- in the mountains

There are wild beasts in the mountains .
The plane crashed in the mountains .
The road continues beyond the village up into the hills .
They could have withdrawn into the mountain fastness of Eryri .
The true face of Lushan is lost to my sight , for it is right in this mountain that I reside .
A cluster of tourists was surrounded in the hill .
They pitched a camp in the mountain .
The railway winds through the mountains .
Grape Valley where the mountain field around the monuments for the Jieshi Shan another meet .
Ever since his adventure in the mountains , he has been dining off the story .
Zhuangzi sighed at a big tree in the forest that escaped the destiny of being chopped due to its uselessness . He said , " it is its uselessness that the tree could have the chance to enjoy its natural span of life . "
The mental image of bearded mullahs watching spinning centrifuges in a secret nuclear-facility hidden in a mountain sounds like something out of a James Bond film .
As I like to do things with Z-I left my human friends and spent time alone in the mountains each day-so I could find a clear vortex .
Native to New Zealand , the birds are found only in or near South Island mountains , where they live in high-altitude beech forest and open sub-alpine herb fields that stretch up into the snow line .
62 samples collected in Midpiece of Zhongtiao Mountains were classified into 16 associations by Two-way Indicator Species Analysis ( TWINSPAN ) .
The applications of new collector t-2k in copper mines
By combining grid analysis method , GIS technology , as well as aiming at rainfall distribution in the middle and east of Qilian mountains , the fitting study of annual rainfall is done and the complex variation of simulated rainfall in space is analyzed .
A 2013 study he led , published in the journal Current Biology , showed just how different things can be without nighttime lights : After participants had camped in the mountains for a week , their bodies began to prepare for sleep about two hours earlier than normal .
Impact of Climate Change on the Alpine Streamflow During the Past 40 a in the Middle Part of the Qilian Mountains , Northwestern China
On a British Airways flight from Heathrow To Zurich , our approach into the airport was so violent due to the up - and down-drafts caused by a thunderstorm that I was sure we were going to be thrown into the quaint houses in the hills below .
Jerome , a resident in Palestine , thought that Tabor was also the " mountain " where Jesus proclaimed His inaugural discourse , sometimes called the " discourse on the mountain "( Mt5,1ff ) .
Postulating the rock cooled in step with the decreasing of geothermal gradient , this text estimates that the primitive intruding depth of the granite body is 6 km .
" The looting shows that they are not happy people , which makes me feel sorry for them , " says Miki hanba , a housewife in Yamanakako Town , near Mount Fuji .
Yamanaka then published a second paper in 2007 , showing that adult human skin cells could be reprogrammed to the embryonic-like induced pluripotent stem cell ( IPSC ) state and this has lead to the generation of stem cell lines from numerous patients .
The average summer ( from June to August ) air temperature is 1 ℃ lower and zero-equilibrium line 88 m lower in the 18 years after 1968 than that in the 11 years before 1968 in the middle part of Qilian Mountains .
On the alluvial and diluvial fan in the middle part of Kunlun Mountain , namely , the southwest of Cele , Xinjiang , there is an above 40 km long , 3 to 6 km wide , 70 ° general strike paleoearthquake deformation belt .
A bandit leader was on the loose in the hills .
Middle Cambrian conodont fauna , paleoecology and tectonics of Qilian Mountain
A mountain lake ( especially one formed by glaciers ) .
In the kingdom of blind men the one-eyed is king .