
  • 网络Shandong Museum
  1. 并以此为基础,构思了山东大学博物馆在下一个发展阶段的规划。

    Based on this , the author conceived Shandong University museum in the planning on the next developing stage .

  2. 山东省博物馆新馆主体结构为钢筋混凝土框架-剪力墙结构,顶部为水花状钢结构穹顶。

    The main structural system of the Shandong New Museum is reinforced concrete shear wall with a spray-like steel vault on the top of it .

  3. 在对山东省博物馆科普旅游资源进行分类和评价的基础上,指出了博物馆科普旅游发展过程中存在问题,探讨了发展的战略对策。

    Based on sort and appraisal of museum popular science tourism in Shandong province , the author points out questions of museum tourism of development , and discusses strategic measures of museum popular science tourism in Shandong province .

  4. 课题的主要研究对象是山东大学数字博物馆,但同时也综合了对国内其他数字博物馆的可用性评估结果。

    The main study object is Shandong University Digital Museum , while I also evaluated another domestic digital museum .

  5. 通过评估分析山东大学数字博物馆在可用性方面的长处及不足,为提出提高山东大学数字博物馆的可用性建议提供了依据。

    In this study we have gave some usability advice as to how to improve the usability of Shandong University Digital Museum .

  6. 山东大学考古数字博物馆设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Digital Archaeology Museum of Shandong University

  7. 在山东省济南市博物馆新馆建设中,采用中央空调系统制冷。

    New Museum building , which was in Jinan City , Shandong Province , used central air conditioning system to refrigerate in summer .

  8. 这部分通过考察中小型博物馆的陈列状况,发现山东地区中小型博物馆陈列内容雷同、缺乏特色,陈列形式单一、僵化。

    This part of the small museum displays by examining the situation , found that small museums display the contents of Shandong similar lack of features , display the form of a single , rigid .

  9. 这部分通过对现状的分析,着重指出山东地区中小型博物馆在科学研究的自觉性、科研队伍的建设、科研对象和科研条件等方面的不足,从而提出有针对性地对策。

    This part of the current situation through the analysis highlighted the small and medium sized museums in Shandong consciousness in scientific research , scientific research personnel , research object and research conditions , limitations , and recommend targeted measures .