
shān qiū
  • massif;hill;tomb;graveyard;mound;eminence
山丘 [shān qiū]
  • (1) [hill]∶小土山

  • 山丘起伏

  • (2) [tomb;graveyard]∶坟墓

山丘[shān qiū]
  1. PDF低渗透率的海生粘土把石山丘分开成了两种水文地质复合层。

    PDF The low-permeable marine clay divides the rock massif into two hydrogeological complexes .

  2. 通过分析近45a江西地区山丘、平地和环湖站点低云、辐射、气温之间的气候变化关系,发现,1959~1971年,江西地区低云量减少时,气温下降;

    The relation between lower cloud-cover , irradiation and temperature observation over the massif , plain stations and stations around Poyang Lake in Jiangxi region during recent 45 years is analyzed .

  3. 小径在山丘脚下分岔。

    The path forks at the bottom of the hill .

  4. 放眼望去,田野山丘绵延不绝。

    Fields and hills stretched out as far as we could see .

  5. 小路通向一座陡峭的山丘。

    The path led up a steep hill .

  6. 这条路蜿蜒曲折地穿过山丘。

    The road wanders along through the hills .

  7. 山丘上突然冒出一幢幢的房子。

    Houses had sprung up out of nowhere on the hills .

  8. 53岁的他还没有打算离开这些山丘。

    At 53 he has no plans to forsake the hills .

  9. 旧金山建在40座小山丘上,其中一些非常陡峭。

    San Francisco is built on 40 hills and some are very steep .

  10. 这些孩子喜欢在那个长满树木的山丘上玩耍。

    These children like to play games on that wooded hill .

  11. 薄薄一层雪花覆盖了山丘。

    The hills were salted with a light fall of snow .

  12. 只见山丘间,迎面走出一位目光炯炯的少爷。

    There , coming out on us from among the hills , was a bright-eyed young gentleman .

  13. 这些山丘是早期地质时代的遗留物,大部分土壤已被刮光,遭受风吹日晒。

    The hills are remnants of an earlier geological era , scraped bare of most soil and exposed to the elements .

  14. 在一座峡湾穿梭、海象豹横卧、冰川覆蓋的岛上,俄罗斯在一座能俯瞰其研究基地的山丘上建造了南极洲第一座东正教教堂。

    On a glacier-filled island with fjords and elephant seals , Russia has built Antarctica 's first Orthodox church on a bill overlooking its research base .

  15. 在南非铁锈般红色的沙漠中,被称为岛山的陡峭岩石山丘从平原上拔地而起,就像大地之骨。

    In the rusty red deserts of South Africa , steep - sided rocky hills called inselbergs rear up from the plains like the bones of the earth .

  16. 建筑物的曲线与山丘的起伏完全吻合,形成独特的景观。

    The curves of the buildings perfectly match the rise and fall of hills , forming a unique view .

  17. 对于希尔弗来说,爬上那小山丘真不是件容易事。

    Silver had terrible hard work getting up the knoll .

  18. 山丘环绕着村庄。

    The hills embrace the village .

  19. 我国山丘疫区杜氏利什曼原虫LACK保护性抗原基因克隆和序列分析

    Cloning and analyzing sequence of LACK protective antigen gene from leishmania donovani isolated from hill foci of China

  20. 基于GIS的青岛市山丘区退耕还林还草决策方案分析

    Analysis of Decision-making Scheme on Cultivated Land in Qingdao Returned to Forestland and Grassland Based on GIS

  21. 从阿卡迪亚国家公园一个多树木的山丘能看到鹰湖(EagleLake)。

    Eagle Lake is visible from a wooded hill at Acadia National Park .

  22. 查尔斯王子在哈罗兹附近的山丘小屋(hillhouse)预备学校就读时,成为第一个与杰出平民共用一间教室的王位继承人。

    Prince Charles was the first heir to the throne to share a classroom with the great untitled when he attended hill house , a preparatory school near Harrods .

  23. 目的:分析我国山丘和平原疫区利什曼原虫分离株基因组DNA(nDNA)的多态性。

    AIM : To analyse the nuclear DNA ( nDNA ) polymorphism of Leishmania isolates from hilly and plain foci of China .

  24. 深圳市属滨海城市,主山脉走向基本为EW向,由北向南由低山丘岭逐渐到滨海平原。

    Shenzhen City is a seashore city with axial ridge and low mountain physiognomy to seashore plain from the North to the South .

  25. 山丘区河川基流BFI程序分割方法的运用与分析&以汾河流域河岔水文站为例

    Application of Computerized Base-Flow Separation Method with BFI Program in Mountainous Areas

  26. 这条蜿蜒穿越犹太山丘(judeanhills)的道路,经过了一个又一个犹太人定居点。

    As the road winds its way through the Judean Hills , it passes one Jewish settlement after the other .

  27. 目的分析我国荒漠、山丘疫区利什曼原虫分离株的ssurDNA多变区序列差异。

    Aim To analyze the sequence of the SSU rDNA variable region of Leishmania isolates from desert and hill foci of China .

  28. 在卡片最上面的角落里,两个卡通人物代表着MSNBC和CNN两家传媒公司,今年并没有参加这场比赛,正坐在山丘上看着这场比赛。

    In the top corner of the card , two cartoon characters representing MSNBC and CNN sit on a hill watching and not participating in the race .

  29. 用MCAb-AST对山丘疫区黑热病漏诊的实验诊断研究

    Research on Laboratory Diagnosis for the Missing-diagnosed Kala-azar in Hill Foci by Using McAb-AST

  30. 如今,一条高速公路贯穿阮朝皇帝启定(KhaiDinh)巴洛克式皇陵对面的山丘,破坏了这座皇陵的风水。

    A freeway now runs through hills facing the baroque tomb of Khai Dinh , a Nguyen emperor , compromising the tomb 's feng shui , or geomantic qualities .