
shǔ dì yuán zé
  • principle of territory;territorial principle
  1. 中央管理企业,按属地原则到地方商务主管部门办理许可手续。

    Centrally governed enterprises shall handle the licensing formalities at the local administrative departments of commerce according to the territorial jurisdiction principle .

  2. 第三方面,从地方政府干预导致公司按照属地原则分立的角度进行分析。

    Thirdly , the angle of separation is from the local government blocked the company in accordance with the principle of territoriality .

  3. 最后,世界各国的税制主要是以属人原则和属地原则为基础进行税收管辖的。

    Last , most nations have jurisdiction over tax on the basis of the principle of resident and the principle of territorial possession .

  4. 注:本表中郑州市进出口数据包括省属专业外贸进出口公司数据,即按属地原则统计;

    Note : This table includes import and export data in Zhengzhou City , the provincial foreign trade company specialized data , ie the principle of territoriality statistics ;

  5. 本文针对非居民税收管理中存在的问题,提出了应严格执行非居民税收法律政策、对非居民实施属地原则下的专业化管理等建议。

    To deal with these issues , the article proposes that tax policies concerning non-residents should be strictly abided by and specialized ad - ministration under dependency principles should be adopted and etc.

  6. 中国奉行各民族语言文字平等的政策,对少数民族语言权利的保障采行的是集体保障原则和属地原则。

    China enforces a policy of equality of all ethnic languages and their writing systems . In the protection of language rights , the principles of collective guarantee and territoriality are adopted .

  7. 然而,国际私法的运行并没有对属地原则提出例外,因为法官所做的是保护原告方基于外国法或外国法院的判决已获得的权利。

    The administration of private international law , however , raises no exception to the principle of territoriality , for what the judge does is to protect rights that have already been acquired by a claimant under a foreign law or a foreign judgment .

  8. 因此,应改革现行的市管县体制,合理划分中央和地方经济社会事务的管理责权,根据属地原则,由市县政府更多地直接管理公共事务。

    Therefore , it is needful to reform current the regime of city dominating county , demarcate the reasonable jurisdiction between the central and the local , make city government and county government manage more and direct public affairs according to the fundamentals of apanage .

  9. 涉外刑事管辖权的原则主要有属地原则、属人原则、保护原则和普遍管辖原则等,这些原则在各国司法实践中起着重要的作用。

    The major principles of the criminal jurisdiction concerning foreign affairs are : the principle of possession , the principle of the person , the principle of protection and the principle of common jurisdiction , which play an important part in the practice of justice in various countries .

  10. 程序管辖遵循属地管辖原则和独立管辖原则。

    The procedure jurisdiction complies with the principle of regional jurisdiction and independent jurisdiction .

  11. 首先,属地管理原则要求巩固和发展社区卫生服务。

    Firstly , the principle of dependency administration calls for consolidation and development of community health service .

  12. 该章论述了六个问题:第一,国际刑事管辖原则,即属地管辖原则、属人管辖原则、保护管辖原则和普遍管辖原则。

    Six issues are discussed in this chapter . 1 . The international criminal jurisdiction principle , which comprises territory , nationality , protection , and universal jurisdictions .

  13. 此前,除银行个人信贷征信系统全国联网外,房屋权属信息在各城市间并不联网,房屋权属信息均采用属地管理原则。

    Besides national network for home loan information , there has been no such nationwide system for property ownership as the data are managed in cities where the houses were bought or sold .

  14. 跨国破产问题在国际法律界所争论问题的核心归结为对属地主义原则和普及主义原则的取舍及运用。

    As to transnational bankruptcy , the key problem argued among the global circles of laws can be summed up to the acceptation or rejection and utilization of the Principle of Territory and the Principle of Universalism .

  15. 由于世界各国大都采用属地管辖原则,对犯罪地的认定标准也类似,所以刑事管辖权冲突问题的出现就不是偶然。

    Because the principle of territoriality is pursued in most of countries in the world and the standards used to identify the venue of crime are similar , the conflict of criminal jurisdiction happens not by chance .

  16. 由于网络犯罪中的犯罪行为多为抽象越境行为,对该类罪的刑事管辖权认定上理论界也存在不同观点,在属地管辖原则外提出了多种新理论,具有一定的借鉴意义。

    Since most behaviors of cyber crime are abstract cross-border behaviors , some new theories in identifying criminal jurisdiction except territorial jurisdiction appear . Due to these varieties theories , there is some significance to research partition-space offense .

  17. 通过属地管理原则和员工岗位责任制,把社区基层单位纳入社会治安综合治理也具有一定的新意。因此,本文具有一定的理论和现实意义。

    Through the principle of territorial management and staff positions accountability , the community grass-roots units into the comprehensive management of social security also has a new idea . Therefore , this paper has a theoretical and practical significance .

  18. 现阶段的具体措施是实行资源重组改良,提高审计权威性和独立性,重组审计资源,实行垂直领导,实行属地审计原则,消除审计盲区。

    The specific measures are implemented at this stage " resource re-modified " to increase the authority and independence of the audit , restructuring of audit resources , the implementation of the principle of territorial audit to eliminate blind spots in the audit .

  19. 国内法是各主权国家在各自的主权国家管辖范围内制定的法律,其依据是国家主权原则和属地管辖权原则。

    Domestic law of sovereign states in their sovereign state within the jurisdiction of the laws , is based on the principle of national sovereignty and the principle of territorial jurisdiction .

  20. 行政区域以特定辖区为载体、以行政层级为依托、以属地管辖为原则的管理特点,使得政府的行政管辖权仅限于特定的地域范围之内。

    Administrative Region in a specific area as the carrier , based on the principle of territorial jurisdiction , to the management to the administrative level , make the administrative jurisdiction of the government is limited to a specific geographical area .

  21. 属地管辖权破产程序它们的有形资源可以按照属地原则进行管理,无形资源却是共有的,具有社团产权的特征。

    Domiciliary insolvency proceedings Their tangible resources are managed on apanage principle , but their intangible resources are mutual and have communal property rights .