- 名screen element

If you specify this addition , no screen elements are created on the selection screen for the selection criterion .
Use contrasting colors for screen elements to make them easier to see , such as a white font type and a black background .
For example , if your atomic unit is four pixels , spacing between screen elements and groups will all be in multiples of four pixels .
Imagining a story about a person using our product leverages our creativity to a greater power than when we just imagine a better form factor or configuration of screen elements .
At a higher resolution , everything onscreen ( text , images , navigation buttons * ) Is smaller , so more can fit on your display .
The mines for elements such as indium , for example , which is used to make touch screens , will be exhausted3 within a century .
The HTML page is likewise straightforward , containing a number of div elements for the different screen areas of the CDA Viewer , each of which can be positioned by an ID in the CSS .
A lot of brands want to break down the barriers between their digital and physical presence , says Cl é mence Dehaene , co-founder of Retail & Digital 2.0 , a start-up that integrates motion sensors , screens , and other high-tech elements in luxury retail displays .
Please touch and drag everything on the screen to find out their functions .
All screen elements for the selection criterion can be assigned to a modification group .
The minimal unit of the screen is the pixel , just like everything is consisted of atoms .
In general , every element on the screen should be aligned with as many other elements as possible .