
wū jià
  • roof truss
屋架 [wū jià]
  • [roof truss] 用于屋顶结构的桁架,它承受屋面和构架的重量以及作用在上弦上的风载

屋架[wū jià]
  1. 30M预应力屋架冬期张拉灌浆施工

    Construction with tensioned grouting for prestressing roof truss of 30 meters in winter

  2. 24m跨预应力屋架张拉、灌浆及吊装

    Stretching , grouting and lifting of 24 m-stride prestress roof truss

  3. 大跨度H型钢截面钢屋架设计实例

    The Design of a Long Span H - section Steel Roof

  4. 世博村E地块改造工程拆除及钢屋架加固技术

    Technology of Reconstruction Project Removal and Steel Truss Roof Reinforcement in Expo Village Block E

  5. 利用X射线应力测定技术对浦东国际机场钢屋架上弦主梁的残余应力进行现场测定。

    Residual stresses in girder of Pu-Dong international airport roof truss is measured by X-ray technique .

  6. 本文的主要内容是研究如何创建多媒体视景环境、大型屋架结构受力分析的有限元结果数据可视化的相关算法以及可扩展接口技术。NET开发平台的技术基础和软件架构,并对基于。

    The main content of this paper includes correlative technologies to build multimedia environment , some algorithms to visualize the result data of finite element analysis of large roof net and extensible interface technology .

  7. 浦东国际机场候机楼80m跨预应力钢屋架端节点的理论和试验分析

    Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of the Endpoint of 80-meter Prestressed Roof Girder

  8. 12m钢筋混凝土屋架塌落事故分析

    Accident analysis of 12m reinforced concrete roof truss collapse

  9. 24m预应力混凝土屋架结构性能检验分析

    Inspection and Analysis on the Structure Performance of Prestressed Concrete Roof Truss of 24m

  10. 带托架H型钢屋架厂房结构的实用计算方法以高强钢丝代换预应力砼托架下弦冷拉Ⅳ钢筋的设计与施工

    A PRACTICAL CALCULATING METHOD FOR H ROOF BEAM STEEL INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS WITH THE LATTICE GIRDERS Design and construction of the using hight strength cable to replace cold drawn bar ⅳ in bracket member of prestressed concret

  11. 某厂房24m预应力混凝土屋架检测

    The Test of 24m-Prestressed Concrete Roof Frame

  12. 21m预应力折线型混凝土屋架在粮库工程的应用

    Application of 21m prestressed mansard roof truss on Grain Depot

  13. 侯马北车辆大库预应力屋架后张法施工技术21m跨予应力屋架施工

    Post-tensioned construction technology of prestressed roof truss in one garage

  14. 27m跨预应力混凝土屋架冬期施工

    Winter construction of prestressed concrete roof truss with 27 m-span

  15. 结合某粮库的工程实例,介绍了30m预应力屋架后张法的施工过程。

    Combined with engineering example of one grain depot the post tensioning construction process of 30m prestressed roof truss is introduced .

  16. 运用有限元软件ANSYS,对在编制《方钢管屋架国家标准图集》过程中遇到的次应力问题进行分析。

    For solving the problem of the secondary stress of square steel tube trapezoid roof truss when compiling national standards drawings , the finite element analysis program ANSYS is used to calculate and analyze .

  17. 基于已完成的G550冷弯薄壁型钢屋架结构承载力试验,采用通用有限元软件ANSYS,建立考虑材料和几何非线性的分析模型。

    Based on the experiments of G550 cold-formed thin-walled steel roof truss structures , an analysis model considering geometry and material non-linearity is established using general FEM software ANSYS .

  18. 本文介绍了包钢轨梁车间采用的30m冷弯薄壁方管屋架的设计、试验及二十八年来使用情况。

    This paper describes design , test and 28-year applications of a cold-formed thin-walled square pipe roof truss of 30m span for a rail beam workshop of Baotou Iron and Steel Company .

  19. 对屋架间距、挡雨片的形式及天窗水平口面积与垂直口面积之比(F(sp)/F(cz))等提出了建议。

    Suggestions as to the space of roof truss , the form of canopy , and the proportion of horizontal area to vertical area ( F_ ( SP ) / F_ ( CZ )) of the skylights are also included .

  20. 另外结合钢屋架结构试验,运用大型有限元软件ANSYS对银川河东机场航站楼进行了整体的静力分析、几何非线性分析,模态分析以及地震反应谱分析。

    The experimental analysis is comprehensively evaluated . Furthermore , a series advanced numerical analysis are performed using ANSYS for the whole steel roof , including the complex model static analysis , geometric nonlinear analysis , modal analysis , seismic spectrum response analysis , et al .

  21. 以24m跨预应力砼屋架为例,针对预应力砼冬季施工中存在的问题,提出了采用硫铝酸盐水泥进行冬施的方法,分析了在冬施砼中应注意的问题。

    Given the problems occurred in winter construction , the article produces the constructing method with prestressed concrete in winter and also discusses some important points in winter construction .

  22. 选择郑州市天龙汽车交易中心小汽车展厅为工程实例,分别采用方案一:钢梯形屋架+钢柱,采用STS软件计算;

    Based on the exhibition hall of the car of Tianlong car-trade centre of Zhengzhou , this paper used three precept : Precept 1 : steel ladder-type roof truss + steel pillars , analyzed by soft STS ;

  23. 根据现场24m预应力混凝土屋架的结构性能检验过程,对屋架结构性能三项指标:承载力检验、抗裂检验、挠度检验结果进行分析。

    Based on the site inspection course of the structural performance for a 24m prestressed concrete roof truss , the results of three indexes of load-bearing capacity , crack resistance and deflection are analyzed for the roof truss in the paper .

  24. 北京首都国际机场地面交通中心(GTC)是进出国门的一个窗口,整个钢屋架结构设计线条流畅,造型新颖别致,充分体现了现代建筑风格和新的都市风貌。

    Ground transportation centre ( GTC ) of Capital International Airport is a window to our country , the whole structure design line is gliding and the lectotype is novel and interesting , which embody fully modern architectural style and new city appearance .

  25. 作者结合四川省游泳馆39m管型钢屋架结构承载力的可靠性评定,对腐蚀气氛下管结构的承载力分析进行了详尽的研究,取得了满意的结果。

    In order to evaluate the reliability of bearing capacity of a 39m tubular roof truss of the Sichuan Natatorium , a study on the bearing capacity of tubular structures in the corrosive environment has been done and a satisfactory result was obtained .

  26. 扬州体育馆工程比赛馆屋架钢结构卸荷工艺

    Unloading Technique of Steel Structure in Yangzhou Gymnasium Competition Stadium Roof

  27. 咸阳市粮食储备库拱板屋架施工

    Construction of arch roof truss of grain reserve depot in Xianyang

  28. 轻型钢屋架的缺陷鉴定与加固方法

    Appraisal of defects of light steel roof truss and strengthening method

  29. 一种新型的屋架结构模型试验研究

    An Experimental Study of Model for A New Type Roof Construction

  30. 特殊情况下判定屋架倒塌方向确定起火部位

    Determining Fire Location from the Collapsing Direction of the Building Frame