
  • 网络regression
  1. 目的探讨LASIK治疗高度及超高度近视术后屈光回退的相关因素。

    Objective To evaluate the regression relevant factors of LASIK for treatment on high and over-high myopia .

  2. 角膜雾浊和屈光回退在两组间基本相似(P>0.05)。

    The corneal haze and regression of refraction between FML group and DEX group were similar at 6 mon after PRK ( P > 0.05 ) .

  3. 研究对象46例(84眼)LASIK术后屈光回退患者。

    Participants 46 patients ( 84 eyes ) of refractive retrograde after LASIK .

  4. PRK和LASIK治疗后屈光回退的再治疗

    Retreatment for the regression and undercorrection after LASIK and PRK on myopia

  5. 高度近视手术后haze发病率低,无明显屈光回退发生。

    The incidence of haze for high myopia is low and no obvious regression is found .

  6. 结论LASIK单中心、多区切削治疗高度近视,减少了屈光回退,降低了眩光和暗适应当的发生率,提高了术后的视觉质量。

    Conclusions In LASIK , single center and multiple cutting aera could reduce refractive regression , glare and improve visual quality .

  7. 角膜上皮下混浊(haze)和屈光回退是准分子激光屈光性角膜切削术(PRK)后的两个最常见和严重的并发症。

    Haze and regression are the most common and severe complications observed after excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy ( PRK ) .

  8. 结论LASIK术后早期应用降眼压药物可以抑制眼压的升高,降低角膜膨隆及术后早期屈光回退的发生率。

    Conclusion Early application of Timolol after LASIK can decrease the morbidity of refractive regression by lowering the intraocular pressure to reduce corneal ectasia .

  9. 结果:屈光回退程度与角膜床厚度呈负相关系。

    The correlation of regression of refraction and thickness of cornea bed in operation was analyzed .

  10. 近视眼准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术后屈光回退的相关因素分析

    An analysis of the relative factors of refractive regression after laser in situ keratomileusis for myopia

  11. 噻吗洛尔眼液对准分子激光上皮下角膜磨镶术后屈光回退的疗效分析

    The effect of Timolol eye drops on the refractive regression of eyes treated with laser epithelial keratomileusis

  12. 结果有屈光回退眼组比无屈光回退眼组平均角膜床厚度小;

    Results : The average thickness of cornea-bed in group with regression was smaller than that without regression ;

  13. 屈光度数回退量与年龄呈负相关,与术中切削区大小呈负相关。

    In addition , level that the diopter went back was related to age positively and with cutting area .