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jū shì
  • lay Buddhist;hermit
居士 [jū shì]
  • (1) [lay Buddhist]∶旧时出家人对在家信佛的人的泛称

  • (2) [hermit]∶古代称有德才而隐居不仕或未仕的人

居士[jū shì]
  1. 居士与中国近代佛教复兴运动

    The Lay Buddhist and The Buddhism Rejuvenation Movement in Modern China

  2. 北魏士大夫居士对传统文教事业影响之探析中英文教出版事业协会有限公司

    Influence of the Lay Buddhist on the Traditional Culture and Education in Northern Wei Dynasty Anglo-Chinese Textbook Publishers Organization Limited

  3. 那些印章是由陈祥耀居士刻的。

    Those seals were originally carved by Upasaka Tan Seong yeow .

  4. 恭制霁印感应录:王居士刻此印的感应。

    Record of inspirations related to reverent carving of the seal of jii .

  5. 此后,他们就可以非常好地过着居士生活。

    After that they can very well lead the life of a householder .

  6. 汤春甫居士护送佛像到美国西来寺等寺庙。

    Believer Tang Chunfu escorts the sculpture of Buddha to American hsilai temple .

  7. 述论中国佛教的居士戒律学

    A Discussion of Chinese Lay Buddhists ' Commandments

  8. 运河岸上的院子,倡导现代生活方式下的田园居士生活。

    Courtyard on canal bank , proposes countryside hermit life under modern life mode .

  9. 蒲松龄号柳泉居士,生前一直默默无闻。

    Pu songling , little known while alive , was also called Liuquan jushi .

  10. 那么,在家居士就没有希望了吗?

    Is there , then , no hope for householders ? Certainly there is .

  11. 现代居士艺术家的散文艺术世界

    The Art Word of Modern Retired Scholar Art

  12. 中国居士佛教之历史与未来

    The History and Future of Chinese Lay Buddhism

  13. 第三章主要分析艾衲居士对时风世态的关注。

    Chapter three mainly analyses Aina Jushi s concern of the ways of the world .

  14. 宁夏部分地区居士人群结构及其与普通居民饮食结构的比较

    Comparision of the dietary structure between the vegetarians and general population in Ningxia rural area

  15. 担心明天就会死去,所以我成为了居士。

    I 'm afraid that I will die tomorrow , so I became a Buddhist .

  16. 宋代三居士名考

    A Study of the Names of the Three Ju Shi 's in the Song Dynasty

  17. 论中国古代的居士绘画

    On the Ancient Chinese Buddhist Painting

  18. 有一天,有个居士带着她妇产科医生的先生到道场来。

    A woman once brought her husband , an OB / GYN , to the temple .

  19. 下面那个则是由陈祥耀居士所篆刻并致赠于我。

    The one below was carved and then given to me by Upasaka Tan Seong yeow .

  20. 那位居士和她好像很有缘,临走前向她要了地址。

    The practitioner seemed to have much affinity with her and asked for her address before leaving .

  21. 他说把建茶送给包居士,让其饮了在参禅时可免打瞌睡。

    He said the tea bag to build and let its drink in the book can avoid doze .

  22. 后出家为僧,法号大千,所以世人也称其为“大千居士”。

    After the monk , monks , so the method number fills in the " laymen " explanation .

  23. 中国很多佛教居士在某些特殊日子(如赴当地寺庙进香献祭时)禁用肉食;

    Many lay Chinese Buddhists renounce meat on certain days , when they make offerings at their local temples ;

  24. 居士佛教给词学注入忧患意识、苦空观念,促进逃禅遁空词的滋生与发展。

    It implanted the anxious and worrying consciousness to ci-poetics , stimulating the rise of reclusive ci-poetry for escaping Zan .

  25. 曹雪芹(1716~1763),字梦阮,号雪芹、芹溪居士,祖籍辽阳。

    Cao Xueqin ( 1716 ~ 1763 ) , styled Mengruan , had the literary names Xueqin and Qinxi Jushi .

  26. 无论从事相或理论上看,居士始终是佛教的基本力量。

    Whether on the surface or on the essence , the lay practitioner is always the fundamental force of the Buddhism .

  27. 江心一叶小船在急流中颠簸着疾驶,船头端坐着峨冠而多髯的东坡居士。

    Leaf river boat bumps in the torrents of , bow and sit more than a lofty crown beard lay the Dongpo .

  28. 能行施者,国王、大臣、婆罗门、居士之所称赞,所出言词人皆信受。

    A giver is praised by the king , ministers , Brahmans and lay practitioners , and his words trusted by all .

  29. 其时,质多居士来诣此等长老比丘住处,礼拜彼等,坐于一面。

    Then Citta the householder went to them and , on arrival , having bowed down to them , sat to one side .

  30. 稻花居士:我们现在常用的推广方式是分为二块:线上和线下。

    Paddy spends lay Buddhist : Our commonly used now promotion means is cent is2 : Fall with the line on the line .