
  • 网络habitat;TRANSHAB;Living Quarters
  1. 科学家说他们也曾经考虑过用核能作为支持居住舱的能源,因为居住舱对成功殖民火星也是必不可少的。

    The scientists said they had also discussed nuclear energy as a power supply for the habitat , since that might be necessary for building a successful encampment on Mars .

  2. 通风系统参数对居住舱人活动区气流分布影响的研究

    The Studies of Influence of Ventilation System Parameters on Air Distribution of Habitation Cabin in Space Station

  3. 居住舱,包括高级船员及普通船员的房间、储物室、冷藏舱、公共场所和电报室,均被破坏和洗劫。

    The accommodation spaces including the officer and crew cabins , storerooms , reefer chambers , public areas and radio room had been vandalized and looted .