
  • 网络bedding plane;Surface structures;bedding plane or bedding surface;bedding plane structure
  1. 三维构造模型共5个层6个层面构造层面模型。

    Three dimension has 5 layer and 6 layer construct model .

  2. 玄武岩的原生建造、构造作用和风化卸荷,对岩体结构和工程性状有较大的影响。成岩中形成的层面构造和层节理是层间错动和层内错动产生的基础。

    The rock mass texture and engineering property are obviously influenced by the primary formation , tectonism , weathering and unloading of basalt .

  3. 首先,从全国层面上构造房地产投资与GDP之间的可变参数模型。

    First , from the perspective of national level we constructed variable parameter model between the real estate investment and GDP .

  4. 该模型分为3个层次:知识模块层、结构模块层和演示模块层,分别从内容、结构、风格三个层面上构造课件。

    This model is divided into three levels : knowledge module level , structure module level and presentation module level . At these three levels , we can construct courseware from three aspects : content , structure and style .

  5. 断层建模和层面建模是构造建模的基础,构造建模又是属性建模的前提。

    Fault modeling and horizon modeling is the basis of structural modeling , structure modeling is a prerequisite of property modeling .

  6. 其二,通过对资产证券化的交易运作从经济学层面以及法律构造上予以阐释,得出资产证券化运作过程中的关键在于风险隔离机制的构建。

    Second , according to the analysis of the trade of the asset securitization from the perspective of economics and law , the key point of the asset securitization is the construction of risk isolation mechanism of the asset securitization .

  7. 循环法则为所有层面提供了基本构造。

    A law of cycles provides fundamental structure at all levels .

  8. 根据创业板市场中小高科技企业和高成长性企业的特点,设计了包括财务潜力、人力资本力量、市场和公共关系能力、技术与创新能力4个层面20项指标构造的成长性评价体系;

    According to the characters of high-tech and high-growth SEM on GEM , a growth evaluation system including 20 indexes of 4 fields was designed .

  9. 使用趋势面分析与差分法相结合的方法,处理离散的构造层面数据,计算构造面主曲率,选取各点主方向上两个主曲率值中绝对值较大者作为裂缝发育区预测的依据。

    By combining the analyses of trend surface and difference method , the scattered structural surface data are dealt with and the principal curvatures are calculated .

  10. 犯罪过失理论处于不断的研究和发展中,犯罪过失不再认为是纯粹的心理事实而是主客观两层面的结合的构造。

    We have been studying and developing the theory of crime lapse and find that it is not solid mental fact but is both active and objective .

  11. 文章通过对江西定南县利率改革试点进行个案研究,从宏观和微观两个层面探讨了如何构造信贷市场资金价格形成机制。

    Through make this text to Jiangxi Province Dingnan county interest rate reform pilot project go on case study , discuss from macroscopic and microcosmic two aspect how construct lending market fund price form the mechanism .

  12. 在此背景下,本文把价值工程运用于企业竞争优势构造,从竞争优势的四个层面展开,试图构造一个以功能为导向的竞争优势构造模式。

    Under this background , I apply value engineering in constructing competitive advantage in this thesis , discuss it form four levels of competitive advantage , and try to structure a function-oriented model to construct the enterprise competitive advantage .

  13. 地质层面可视化:地质层面模型的构造主要有Grid、TIN两种。

    This work includes the major contents just as follows : ( 1 ) Strata visualization . Modeling methods of strata mainly include Grid and TIN .