
wěi yùn
  • end rhyme
尾韵 [wěi yùn]
  • [end rhyme] 诗句中结尾的音节的韵

  1. 贝奥武甫》的诗体采用头韵而不用尾韵。

    The prosody of Beowulf is based on alliteration , not end rhymes . 《

  2. 大多数勃艮第白葡萄酒(BourgogneBlanc)来自于马孔(Mâcon)地区,不过这款出自力高宝德(NicolasPotel)的橡木桶发酵葡萄酒非常纯净,口感有典型的金秋(Côted’Or)风格,尾韵之长也是实至名归。

    Most Bourgogne Blanc comes from M â con but this barrel-fermented , keenly priced example , made by Nicolas Potel , is very pure and tastes very C ô te d'Or . Creditably long .

  3. 非常干净和强烈的尾韵,现在已经可以饮用。

    Very clean , super-tangy finish . Ready to enjoy .

  4. 《明刊》中三种鼻音尾韵可以通押。

    In the Ming Dynasty , three nasal finals can be employed together .

  5. 浙江义乌话的[n]尾韵及其音变

    On the Ending Final [ n ] in the Yiwu Dialect in Zhejiang Province and its Phonetic Change

  6. 尾韵绵长,柠檬与水梨的风味清新,酸度平衡。

    Flavours of lemon zest and pear balanced by refreshing , crisp acid and a long , lifted finish .

  7. 头韵、尾韵、短词、生动的动词、肯定句、引用句的大量地运用有效地实现了英语新闻标题的吸引功能。

    Alliteration , rhyme , short words , vivid verbs , positive sentences and quoted sentences are favored which help headlines realize the attractive function effectively .

  8. 从体裁上说,乔叟多用每行十音节、双行一尾韵的诗体(后来演化为18世纪风行的英雄双韵体)。

    In prosody , Chaucer mostly used the ten-syllable line in rhymed couplets ( later developed into the most fashionable " heroic couplet " of the 18th century ) .

  9. 另外,通过使用拟声词,头韵和尾韵,作品语言有很强的音响效果,产生了音乐美。

    In addition , by the use of onomatopoeia , alliteration and perfect rhyme , the language in this book has strong sound effect and produces the beauty of musicality .

  10. 根据数据分析、对仗、头韵、尾韵、双关等修辞格的诉求效果更为明显。

    According to the data analysis , rhetorical devices , like antithesis , alliteration , assonance , pun , etc. have more obvious and powerful appealing effect on the customers .

  11. 最后,译者可以通过巧妙运用幽默、仿拟、头韵、尾韵等技巧,提高译文的可读性,增强语境效果。

    Finally , the translator can do his best to improve the readability of the translation and strengthen its contextual effect with the use of humorous tone , parody , alliteration or end-rhyme .

  12. 《文心雕龙》有十种基本用韵模式。尽管赞和正文部分的用韵方式不同,但句尾韵是刘勰最普遍的押韵方式。

    In " Wen Xin Diao Long ", there are ten types of rhyme patterns , which have different forms in the main body of text and the part of " Zan " .

  13. 软新闻的文采向来体现在语言变异上,如外来词的使用、新词的创造、俚语的活用、一字隐喻和同时押头韵与尾韵、新闻叙述结构的多样化等。

    The power of soft news comes from its salient linguistic deviations such as the use of foreign words , coinages , idiomatic deviations , one-word metaphor , simultaneously alliterated-and-rhymed words , deviant narrative structure etc.

  14. 具体而言,他的译文尽可能保留原诗的意象、对偶、反衬、句长、重复、尾韵以及丰富的内涵等,因此,他的翻译更倾向于无我之境。

    In practical terms , he tries his best to make his translation keep the original images , antithesis , contrast , sentence length , repetition , rhyme and rich connotation , so his translation is more inclined to " selfless state " .