
  • 网络cone;TAIL CONE;tailcone
  1. 基于后掠台阶流动的航空发动机尾锥流线型设计方法

    Streamline Design Method of Aero-engine Exhaust Cone Based on Backward-facing Step Flow

  2. 针对飞机副油箱尾锥可靠性疲劳寿命问题,采用加速寿命试验方法对其进行寿命评估,通过试验和部队试用证明方法是完全可行的。

    In view of the reliability fatigue life of the aircraft auxiliary fuel tank cone , this paper adopts the method of accelerated test to assess its life span .

  3. 某型歼击机XX升机身副油箱尾锥振动故障分析研究

    The structural vibration breakdown analysis research on the Fighter-XX centerline drop tank 's tail cone

  4. 地震勘探采集中尾锥因素对检波器耦合系统的影响

    Effects of tail-cone on geophone coupling system during seismic exploration

  5. 弹丸初步设计中尾锥角的选取方法

    Selection of boattail angle of projectiles in primary designing

  6. 法所确定的尾锥角略有偏低,但仍可用于弹丸的初步设计。

    This method is convenient and effective for the primary design of projectile shapes .

  7. 加速试验法评估飞机副油箱尾锥寿命

    The Application of Accelerated Test Method to Assessing Life Span of Auxiliary Tank Cone

  8. 检波器尾锥长度浅析

    Briefly analyzing length of tail cone of geophone

  9. 已有的三分量检波器在尾锥与地表紧耦合条件下,无法调节方位角及倾角。

    For there is three spikes on three-component geophone , current type of geophone cannot adjust azimuth and inclination in the condition of tight coupling between earth and spike , so there is serious fault in it .

  10. 因此,在准备为我的平方东西放在桌上,用激光水平,并提出了提高磁带线,使国宝可以切断苯乙烯尾锥,使树脂浇注的一部分。

    So in preparation for that I squared things up on the table , used a laser level and made a raised tape line so David can cut off the styrene tail cone and make the cast resin part .

  11. 结合工程实践中的传感器安装固定方式,通过理论模型论证了检波器附加质量、接地弹性支撑系数、检波器尾锥长度等给检波器的幅频特性或相频特性带来的改造或歪曲;

    In combination with the installing style of sensors in practical projects , the influences of the additional mass , the grounding elastic support coefficient , and the tail length of sensors on their amplitude-frequency characteristic and phase-frequency characteristic were demonstrated with the theoretical model .

  12. 小流量下尾水管锥管内流的PIV测试试验研究

    PIV measurement of the flow with small discharge in a francis turbine draft tube

  13. 无扁尾莫氏锥套接长杆四列直插式扁平外壳

    Extension arbor for Morse taper bush without tang quad flat package

  14. 埋入部分包括蜗壳座环、尾水锥管、尾水肘管、机坑里衬等。

    The embedding part includes volute socket ring , tail water taper pipe , tail water ell , pit liner and so on .

  15. 窄高型尾水管直锥管的有利高度研究

    Experimental Research on Optimum Height of Conical Tube for High Narrow Draft Tube

  16. 猴痘、盘尾丝虫病和非洲锥虫病在该地区呈地方性流行,易流行的疾病包括麻疹和脑膜炎。

    Monkeypox , onchocerciasis and African trypanosomiasis are endemic in the region , and epidemic-prone diseases include measles and meningitis .

  17. 察汗乌苏电站水轮机的尾水管尾水肘管和尾水锥管,其施工工程也是分步进行的。

    The draft tube of hydraulic turbine for Chanwusu powerstaion is made up of draft tube elbow and draft tube cone , its installation will be finished by step .