- 动willful;fulfill one's nature;wayward

(1) [unconfined]∶由着性子
(2) [try all ones natural ability]∶尽量发挥天赋的个性
In philosophy , he attempted to establish a utilitarian pattern of thinking .
Moral of the realization that the process of doing that ethical practice .
In order to make their life successful practice of looking for subjectivity , spiritual interpretation .
Excellent classical Chinese poems are usually elegant and implicit , whose implications are beyond descriptions .
The Study of the Effects and Implement Methods of the Reasonable and Human Cultural Education for Innovative Talents
Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength .
Education should treated people as the real people who have their humanities . Thus education can appeal and cast people 's spirit .
They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord , the God of their fathers , with all their heart and soul .
The LORD your God commands you this day to follow these decrees and laws ; carefully observe them with all your heart and with all your soul .
This he would enjoy , for although generally so austere he liked to live it up occasionally , dancing vigorously with the ladies of the ATS afterwards .
Jesus said unto him , Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart , and with all thy soul , and with all thy mind .
But if from there you seek the LORD your God , you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul .
The starting point on this journey of love is with Jesus , and he gives us the ability to love God with all our heart , soul , mind , and strength .
If his lot in life was to bean actor , then Asano decided he would make the most of it , choosing strange roles , bizarre films , almost defying the movie gods to make him famous .
And he answering said , Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart , and with all thy soul , and with all thy strength , and with all thy mind ; and thy neighbour as thyself .
The sum of the ten commandments is , To Love the Lord our God with all our heart , with all our soul , with all our strength , and with all our mind ; and our neighbors as ourselves .
Neither before nor after Josiah was there a king like him who turned to the Lord as he did-with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his strength , in accordance with all the Law of Moses .
Morally , he held the belief of Full Development of Nature or self-fulfillment , which took the ideal or reason as the basis of real morals and described the progress of morals or the forming of new morals as the logic process of spiritual self-fulfillment .
The core of ecological aesthetics in ancient China can be concluded by a view to virtually respect life , a deep , flexible , yet non-subjective awakening to ecology , a creative feeling to fully appreciate ecology , and a way to master ecology by esteeming harmony .
Allais ' most famous experiment showed that we often treat very high probabilities very differently from certainties , although rational individuals would regard them as almost the same thing .
Although it is pretty clear the Laffer Curve has an element of truth , I 'm not sure how precise or although argument simplist accurate it is in economics .
There exist some differences between modern culture and postmodern culture , but they are not antagonistic relationship and that is rather coexist , and postmodern culture is a continuation of modern culture .
Never-ending " Modernity " & A review on Jurisprudence of China : Where to Go ;
Remind yourself however you can to do what you need to do and reward yourself as often as possible for doing what you 've done .
Therefore decoding the meaning of his works is secondary , while the most proper , closest way for us to describe his works becomes more important .
However , to minimize dependencies and to keep fish in the same directory structure as common shells , you can add without-xsel and prefix = / usr , respectively .
Chronic Glomerulonephritis ( CGN ), which can be caused by multiple reasons , is a series of immunological diseases with similar symptoms , different patho-manifestations and prognosises .
Namely , the best way to invest is to buy as representative a portfolio as possible .
The results show that using the performance index evaluation method can make the design on the economical and energy efficiency better .
This review briefly described the concept of impulsiveness and different methods to measure impulsiveness . The comparison of impulsive and non-impulsive attempted suicide