
  1. 尼泊尔国民议会三分之二的席位将按照选区的人口比例加以分配,由于涉及复杂的计算,这个过程可能需要几个星期才能完成。

    Two-thirds of the assembly will be seated through proportional representation and the complex calculation for those slots could take several weeks .

  2. 印度尽量以积极的姿态来处理毛派组织在尼泊尔特别议会选举中取得领先地位的局面。

    India is putting its best face forward in reacting to the Maoists lead in the balloting for Nepal 's special assembly .

  3. 尼泊尔制宪议会成员普拉丹.马拉说,为保护妇女所设立的法律必须要执行。

    Sapana Pradhan Malla , a member of Nepal 's Constituent Assembly , says the laws in place to protect women should be enforced .

  4. 喜马拉雅山脉国家尼泊尔的议会星期五以较大优势选举前游击队领导人普拉昌达为尼泊尔新总理。

    Legislators in the Himalayan nation of Nepal on Friday selected , by a wide margin , a former guerilla leader to be the country 's new prime minister .

  5. 由将近600名议员组成的尼泊尔制宪议会选出新总理,结束了尼泊尔4个月的政治动荡。在此之前,尼泊尔由担任过4届首相的84岁的普拉萨德柯伊腊掌权。

    The selection by the nearly 600-member interim parliament of the new prime minister ends a four-month period of political instability under which 84-year-old Girija Prasad Koirala , who has been prime minister four times , clung to power .

  6. 尼泊尔宣布解散议会

    Nepal Announces Dissolution of Parliament