
  • 网络Geometridae;geometrid moth;Erannis yunsnnuora;Biston betularia
  1. 南昌郊区16种尺蛾科昆虫生物学纪述

    Notes on the biology of sixteen species of geometridae ( lepidoptera ) in Nanchang Jiangxi

  2. 在夏威夷的瓦胡岛上,一条肉食性波尺蛾(Eupithecia)毛虫正在一片蕨叶上巡游,寻找猎物。

    A carnivorous Eupithecia caterpillar prowls a fern leaf in Oahu , Hawaii , in search of prey .

  3. 基于生长参数和存活率,我们发现TV25是黄钩尺蛾最适合寄生的茶树无性系品种。

    Based on growth parameters and survival , TV25 was found to be the most preferable clonal variety of tea for H.infixaria .

  4. 松埃尺蛾空间分布型及其在实践中的应用

    Spatial Distribution Patterns of Ectropis crepuscularia and Their Application in Practice

  5. 褐纹大尺蛾生物学特性及其防治研究

    Study on the Bionomics of Biston robustum and Its Control

  6. 湖北柑桔新害虫&桑褶翅尺蛾研究

    Studies on Mulberry spined looper ── a new found citrus pest in Hubei Province

  7. 松埃尺蛾防治试验

    TESTING Control Experiments of Ectropis Crepuscularia Pests

  8. 绿毛波尺蛾虫背部敏感的毛发和神经系统使得它能够察觉到猎物轻微的触动。

    Sensitive hairs and nerves on the back of the green grappler moth caterpillar detect the slightest touch of prey .

  9. 上海地区为害水杉的茶尺蛾生物学特性研究丽水山区竹子害虫种类调查与为害评估

    Biological characteristic of Ectropis obliqua Warren damaging water fir in Shanghai Identification and Risk Estimation of Bamboo Insect Species in Mountainous area of Lishui