
shī wèi
  • hold a job without doing a stroke of work;hold down a job without doing anything
尸位 [shī wèi]
  • [hold down a job without doing anything] 指占着职位却不做事

  • 太康尸位,以逸豫灭厥德。--《书.五子之歌》

  • 尸位素餐

尸位[shī wèi]
  1. 布列加是地中海岸的石油城市,自2月中旬反抗尸位42年之久的卡扎菲统治起义后,该市几经易手。

    Brega is one of several oil towns along the Mediterranean coast that have changed hands since the uprising against the42-year-old rule of Gadhafi began in mid-February .

  2. 对60具成人尸体喉标本进行了观察与测量,发现半数的标本双侧声带稍不对称,声带并非总是固定于尸状位。

    Sixty laryngeal specimens were all taken from 60 adult cadavers for studying . The authors found that half of the specimens , bilateral vocal cords revealed slightly asymmetric and not always fixed at cadaveric positions .

  3. 作了3具尸头冠状位解剖,分析中鼻甲外移的解剖依据。

    Three cadaver heads were measured for anatomical analysis .