
yáo shùn
  • Yao and Shun, ancient sages;Emperors Yao and Shun;saint;sage
尧舜 [yáo shùn]
  • (1) [Emperors Yao and Shun]∶尧和舜。据说都是上古的贤明君主

  • (2) [saint;sage]∶泛指圣人

尧舜[yáo shùn]
  1. 试论尧舜禹传说与农耕文化的关系

    Correlation Between Legends About Yao , Shun and Yu and Farming Culture

  2. 论尧舜禹的婚姻与父权制的确立

    The Discourse of the Establishment of Marriage and Patriarchy of Yao , Shun , Yu

  3. 尧舜时代,文字尚未形成,当时的历史事件、人物事迹只能通过口耳相传的方式流传下来。

    But the historical events and figures of that time could be passed down orally .

  4. 本章主要围绕尧舜时代的文明发展程度展开论证。

    This chapter mainly discusses the civilization degree of development in the Yao and Shun age .

  5. 作为虞氏的世系,现在可考的有幕等十五个名号,而不止是尧舜禅让中的舜一代五十年,是古代史上实际存在很长时期的一个朝代,具有特殊的历史地位。

    In fact , this dynasty stood for many years and has a unique historical status .

  6. 主要考察尧舜时代的社会组织和社会演进问题。

    This chapter mainly inspects the social organization and evolution of the Yao and Shun age .

  7. 尽管如此,古代学者还是肯定尧舜时代。

    For all this , the scholar of ancient times still approved the Yao and Shun age .

  8. 从而看出,关于诚信思想,在尧舜时期就已有所体现,并被视为一种良好的品德。

    Trustworthiness was considered as a kind of good moral quality in the Yao and Shun Period .

  9. 春,飘香的春,一年中欢乐的尧舜;

    Spring , the sweet Spring , is the year 's pleasant king , Then blooms each thing ,

  10. 后来尧舜等组成政府,确定亲属关系,社会开始分裂。

    Later Yao and Shun organized government and defined the relation of kin , since then , society started to break up .

  11. 古史辨派视尧、舜为神话、传说中的人物,否定尧舜时代的存在。

    The faction of ancient history distinguishes regarded Yao and Shun as the character of myth and legend . So it never existed .

  12. 孔子虽讲到尧舜禹禅让,但实际并未提倡实行禅让;

    Though Confucius talked about the demise of yao , Shun and yu , he didn 't advocate to carry it out actually .

  13. 本章首先对先秦、秦汉关于尧舜时代传说的基本资料进行分析。

    The essay first analyzes the basic documents of pre-qin , the Qin and Han Dynasty about the Yao and Shun legend age .

  14. 一是把尧舜这两个史前传说中的帝王列入中国官方的历史之内。另一个计画是尽力寻找考古证据来证明尧舜的存在。

    One is to include Emperor Yao and Shun , the last two kings of pre-historic legendary kingdoms , into China 's official history .

  15. 尧舜时代是上古史中的一个重要阶段,在中国文明发展史上占有重要地位。

    The Yao and Shun age is an important stage in the ancient history . She holds important status in the Chinese civilization history .

  16. 首先,从农业、饲养业、手工业、建筑业等方面入手,考察尧舜时代物质文明的发展程度。

    First , the author clarifies the degree of material civilization development from the perspectives of agriculture , raising industry handicraft industry , and architecture .

  17. 其次,考察了尧舜时代的制度文明,如礼制、官制、法制、天文历法等。

    Next , this chapter analyzes the system civilization , such as norm of etiquette , official system , astronomy , calendared system and legal system .

  18. 对夏代以前有虞氏谱系的记忆和流传,反映了这个古族在尧舜禹时代所达到的较高文明程度,史籍中往往虞夏商周并提并非偶然。

    The record of the pedigree of You Yu clan reflects the advanced civilization of the ancient clan during the period of Yao , Shun and Yu .

  19. 崇向尧舜之道柳宗元的精神支柱奥林匹克与道中西体育精神之辨

    Advocation of the Doctrines of Yao and Shun : The Ideological Prop of Liu Zongyuan ; Olympics and Tao & Comparison of P.E.spirits between China and the West

  20. 我相信是时机趋势所造成的,单是尧舜桀纣是没有办法造成那么大的改变。

    I believed that the opportunity and trend caused it . Yao , or Shun , or Jie , or Zhou couldn 't make so great changes alone .

  21. 然后阐释了古代祭祀尧舜活动的分类和仪式,并简述历代对尧舜祠庙的修建、维护情况。

    Then the author explains the classification and the ceremony of sacrificial offering and also narrates the construction and maintenance of the Yao and Shun temples in all dynasties .

  22. 本章首先论述古代、近代、日本学者和疑古派在尧舜问题上的看法。

    This chapter mainly discusses views of the ancient scholars , the modern scholars , the Japanese scholars and the doubt ancient history faction in the Yao and Shun age .

  23. 资料表明:黄帝时代是中华文明的源头,尧舜时代是中华文明的孕育期。

    Materials indicated that the age of the Yellow Emperor was the origin of the Chinese civilization while the Yao and Shun age is the incubation period of Chinese civilization .

  24. 同样是人,只有尧舜等贤者能充分发挥优美完整的人格,成为我们为之钦羡不已的表率。

    We all are man but only the sages such as King Yao and King Shun can fully show their perfect and intact personality , which is our admired example .

  25. 追根究底,这些问题的发生,其始作俑者应是尧舜;彼等所倡导之选贤与能的政策,对后世所造成的影响是极其深远的。

    Getting to the bottom of the said problems , we find that the talent promotion policy of Yao and Shun is the original source and its effect is very far-reaching .

  26. 共工是中国古代的水官和传说中水患的祸首,其角色的转变应该和尧舜时期共工的名字康回有关。

    Gong Gong is the water god in ancient Chinese historiography and the devil of floods , and its change of role dates back to the Rao Xun Dynasty . They always connected water with their attitude .

  27. 据简文记载的尧舜禹禅让的情况,讨论了先秦时期儒家关于禅让学说发展的三个阶段。

    Situation which according to the abdication theory of Yao and Shun yu period recorded by the bamboo slips , discussed on the development of the three phases of the pre-Qin period Confucianist about the abdication theory .

  28. 尧舜禹诸集团在中原地区的具体活动范围及文化特征不尽相同,且相互拥有较强的独立性,但却无法降低尧舜禅让故事的可信度。

    The sphere of activities and cultural characteristics of Yao , Shun and Yu groups in Central Plains are different and independent each other , but the abdication story of Yao , Shun and Yu is still credible .

  29. 而到了黄帝和尧舜时代(大约距今4500年前),服装的品种已经初具规模。丝麻织物的残片和古代的陶俑进一步表明商代(公元前16至公元前11世纪)服装的精密程度和优雅程度。

    Variety in clothing was roughly established by the era of the Yellaw Emperor and the Emperors Yao and Shun ( about 4 500 years ago ) . Remains of woven silk and hemp articles and ancient ceramic figures further demonstrate the sophistication and refinement of clothing in the Shang Dynasty ( 16th to I 1 th century BC ) .