
  • 网络you tong
  1. 尤侗研究

    A Study on You Tong

  2. 李渔擅长写小说,而尤侗在诗文方面造诣很深。

    Li Yu is good at writing novel , and You Tong is making a high achievement in poetry .

  3. 事实上,虽然尤侗没有形成完整的、系统的曲学理论著作,但他的戏曲理论有着自己独特的见解。

    In fact , although You Tong is not formed a complete and systematic theory of drama , but his drama theories also has a system , and owns his unique insights .

  4. 尤侗是清前期著名的文学家、戏曲家,他在诗、文、词、曲等多个领域均有成就。

    You Tong is a famous writer and dramatist in the early days of the Qing Dynasty . He has achieved remarkable success in various fields such as poetry , proses , ci and drama .