
  • 网络Dust mite allergy;mite sensitivity
  1. 结果:①121例哮喘患儿尘螨过敏原皮肤点刺试验总阳性率为28.10%,高于对照组(P<0.05)。

    Result : ① The total positive rate of skin prink test of 121 children with asthma was 28.10 % .

  2. 目的探讨尘螨过敏性哮喘患者血清免疫球蛋白IgE、IgG亚类的临床意义。

    Objective To explore the clinical significance of serum immunoglobulin in asthma patients allergic to house dust mites .

  3. 结果两种尘螨过敏原浸液风团及伪足的直径有显著性差异(p<0.05),Alutard-SQ皮肤试验结果与特异性IgE水平相关性好,国内过敏原浸液皮肤试验与特异性IgE水平相关性差。

    There was also statistical significance difference between the correlation of the serum specific IgE levels and size of SPT wheal by both allergens .

  4. 结果DffF3和DerfⅢ呈现强致变应性,均能与尘螨过敏哮喘患者血清IgE结合。

    Results Dff F3 and Der f ⅲ were demonstrated strongly allergic activities , which can be highly recognized with IgE from sera of the mite-allergic patients with asthma .

  5. 方法采用酶免疫分析法对468例过敏性疾病患者血清过敏源特异性IgE抗体进行定性检测,并给予仅对尘螨过敏的患者粉尘螨注射液脱敏治疗。

    Methods The specific IgE for food and inhalant allergens were detected serologically by ELISA in the sera from 468 cases with the hypersensitive disease . The dermatophagoides farinae injection was used to desensitize the patients who were sensitive only to dust ( powder ) mite .

  6. 结论屋尘螨过敏是婴幼儿哮喘发展成儿童哮喘的重要因素之一;血清IgE升高与屋尘螨皮试表达有一定的关系,但它的表现明显早于屋尘螨皮试的表达;

    Conclusion Allergy to Dp might be one of the important factors which make early children asthma develop into children asthma and associated with increase of the level of serum IgE , but the increase of serum IgE was earlier than skin express of allergy to Dp .

  7. 不同年龄哮喘患儿尘螨过敏及其临床意义

    Dust mite allergy in children with asthma and its clinical significance

  8. 淮南地区校内人群尘螨过敏情况

    Intramural Dust Mite Allergy of People in school of Huainan

  9. 结论校内人群尘螨过敏情况应引起重视。

    Conclusion More attention should be paid to intramural dust mite allergy .

  10. 目的探讨尘螨过敏与哮喘之间的关系。

    Objective To search for the relationship between dust mite allergy and asthma .

  11. 尘螨过敏性哮喘患者特异性抗体的检测及其临床意义

    Detection of antibody and its clinical significance in asthma patients due to dust mite infection

  12. 学生及幼儿尘螨过敏情况调查

    Investigation on dust mite allergy in students

  13. 尘螨过敏临床表现有过敏性哮喘、过敏性鼻炎和过敏性皮炎。

    Dust mite allergens are clinical manifestations of allergic asthma , allergic rhinitis and allergic dermatitis .

  14. 尘螨过敏原的交叉反应性空调隔尘网表面粉螨孳生情况的调查


  15. 皮肤点刺试验与血清过敏原检测的尘螨过敏原检出率无差异。

    There was not statistically significant difference between the positive rate of skin prink test and serum allergen test .

  16. 粉尘螨及屋尘螨过敏原皮肤点刺试验结果与哮喘急性发作严重程度有关。

    Results of dermatophagoides farinae and dermatophagoides pteronyssinus by skin prick test were related to the grades of asthma .

  17. 屋尘螨过敏原转染树突状细胞诱导哮喘小鼠免疫耐受的研究

    Study of the Induction of Immune Tolerance by Dendritic Cells Transfected with Allergens Genes in a Mouse Model of Asthma

  18. 另一种常见错误就是为对尘螨过敏的孩子购买加湿器;孰不知加湿器是尘螨最易于繁殖的地方。

    Another was using a humidifier for a child who was allergic to dust mites ; a humidifier tends to be a place where dust mites like to breed .

  19. 几种户尘螨过敏原点刺液的临床评价蟑螂过敏患者对蚕蛾与尘螨过敏原体外检测研究

    Evaluation of several Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus allergen extracts for skin prick test Serum allergen profiles related to moth and house dust mite in cockroach-allergic patients in-vitro assay and correlation analysis

  20. 方法选择对屋尘螨过敏的变应性鼻炎伴轻-中度哮喘患者37例,进行SIT3年。

    METHODS A total of 37 patients of allergic rhinitis combining with mild-moderate asthma were recruited into the study . The course of SIT was treated by standardization allergen vaccine for 3 years .

  21. 深入清洁地毯有许多好处,包括消除尘螨和过敏原,更不要说污垢了。

    Deep-cleaning your carpet can offer benefits including getting rid of dust mites and allergens . Not to mention dirt .

  22. 一些过敏原如尘螨、蟑螂过敏原可以激活PAR-2。

    Furthermore some allergens such as dust mites and cockroach allergens were found to have the ability to activate PAR-2 .

  23. 在每个被视察的房间,项目组成员采集了水平横面和床上的灰尘,对其中的邻苯二甲酸酯含量和尘螨、蟑螂过敏原含量进行分析。

    In each inspected room , dusts were collected on horizontal surfaces and beds to analyze phthalate and allergens of house dust mite and cockroach .

  24. 目的研究控制尘螨孳生对螨过敏性哮喘(DMSA)发病的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of controlling of house dusts in attacks of mite sensitive asthmatics ( DMSA ) .

  25. 控制居室尘螨孳生对螨过敏性哮喘患者生存质量的影响

    Control of dust mite in houses could improve the quality of life in dust mite sensitive asthmatics patients

  26. 标准化尘螨变应原注射液治疗过敏性哮喘的疗效和安全性研究

    Primary Evaluation of the Efficacy and Safety of Standardized Dust Mite Allergen Vaccine in the Treatment of Allergic Asthma

  27. 目的研究儿童过敏性哮喘与血清总IgE、尘螨特异性IgE、尘螨过敏原皮肤点刺试验的关系。

    Objective To study the relationship between children allergic asthma and serum total IgE ( tIgE ), specific IgE ( sIgE ) of dust mite , skin prick test ( SPT ) with dust mite extract .

  28. 屋尘螨和粉尘螨主要变应原的筛选和分析蟑螂过敏患者对蚕蛾与尘螨过敏原体外检测研究

    Serum allergen profiles related to moth and house dust mite in cockroach-allergic patients in-vitro assay and correlation analysis

  29. 卫生专家丽莎·阿克利博士说:“这项研究很重要,因为未经清洗的地毯可能成为细菌和致病菌的家园,尤其是尘螨,这可能使一些人更容易患尘螨排泄物过敏引起的哮喘、湿疹和常年过敏性鼻炎。”

    Hygiene9 expert Dr Lisa Ackerley said : ' This research is of concern as unwashed carpets can become homes to bacteria and germs and in particular dust mites , which can put some people at greater risk of asthma10 , eczema and perennial11 allergic12 rhinitis caused by allergies13 to dust mite6 faecal matter .