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  1. 少昊部落的成员雕刻下的神奇符号

    members of the Shao Hao tribe carved magical symbols

  2. 少昊人选择一只鸟的符号作为他们的图腾

    the Shao Hao people chose a symbol of a bird as their totem .

  3. 对于嬴姓之始祖,史载出于上古东方部族,为少昊的后裔。

    According to the historical records , the ancestor of the family name " Yin " comes from the eastern tribe and is the descendant of Shaohao .

  4. 文章重点考察了远古神话中炎帝和黄帝两大帝王神系,并以此为核心,上溯至太皞和少昊的太阳神族,下延至开启中华文明的大禹神。

    Around this center , the study traces back to the sun pedigree represented by Tai Hao and Shao Hao , and extends to Da Yu who was the founder of Chinese civilization .

  5. 西方是少昊,辅佐者为金神,手拿一把曲尺,掌管秋天(白色);

    In the west is Shao Hao who , assisted by the God of Metal who has in hand a carpenter 's square , is in charge of autumn and has white as his symbolic colour .