
shǎo shí
  • after a little while;a moment later;in the cradle
少时 [shǎo shí]
  • [after a little while] 过了不大一会儿;不多时

  • 少时风雨大作

  • [in the cradle] 年幼时;少年时期

  • 陈涉少时,尝与人佣耕。--《史记.陈涉世家》

少时[shǎo shí]
  1. 当其他报纸的发行量越来越少时,我们却逆势而进。

    While other newspapers are losing circulation , we are bucking the trend

  2. 少时雨过天晴,彩虹高悬。

    Soon the rain stopped , the sun came out , and a rainbow appeared spanning the sky .

  3. 通过实验,可知Hopfield神经网络在学习样本少时,也能够输出分辨率相对较高的地物目标信息。

    When there are only few learning samples , Hopfield Nerve Net can also output object information with higher resolution .

  4. 罗斯海地区超前6~9个月的海冰偏少时,500hPa西北太平洋副高将明显增强,我国东北、华北大部分地区及新疆小部分地区的降水偏多、气温偏低;

    For the Ross Sea , if its antecedent sea ice is below normal , the West Pacific Subtropical High will stronger than its normal considering ahead of 6-9 months ' situation .

  5. 中小功率柴油机少时出厂试车工艺试验研究

    Experimental Research of Techniques for Few-hour Test Run in Medium-and Small-power Diesel Engine

  6. 这就是车少时我更愿意坐公交车的原因之一。

    That 's one reason I prefer taking the bus when traffic 's light .

  7. 少时懒惰老来苦。

    A lazy youth , a lousy age .

  8. 简单分配程序内存使用少时较快很快差容易高否否

    Simple allocator Fast for small memory usage Very fast Poor Easy Very No No

  9. 当你年纪少时,曾试过迷上你的老师吗?

    Did you ever have a crush on your teacher when you were young ?

  10. 当金属的加入量少时,促进起主导作用;

    The promoting effect of metal filler played leading role when its use amount is less ;

  11. 少时躺在床上,老时卧在荆棘中。

    If you lie upon roses when young , you will lie upon thorns when old .

  12. 当买的人多而卖的人少时,价格就上涨;

    When more people wish to buy than to sell , the price tends to rise ;

  13. 例如发达国家如何供养老化的人口,尤其当工作的人越来越少时?

    For example , how will industrialized countries provide for their aging populations , especially with fewer workers ?

  14. 只有3%的女性认为,当男友挣得太少时她们可能会考虑与其分手。

    Only three per cent said they would consider breaking up with someone who did not earn enough .

  15. 另一个发现是:当夫妻一方给出的建议太少时,男性会比女性更受困扰。

    Another finding : When too little advice was offered in a marriage , it was the men who suffered more .

  16. 颜真卿少时家贫缺纸笔,用笔醮黄土水在墙上练字。

    Yan lived in a poor family when he was young and had to practice calligraphy on the wall by using mud .

  17. 理性的基本面分析者在市场中所占比例越少时,其所获得的财富的平均值越高。

    2 , rational analysis of fundamentals in the market , the smaller the proportion , they would get the higher average wealth .

  18. 及心计心情机闭,当眼眶周围的皮肤特地薄,皮下构造又特地少时,当血流经过此处。

    And the physiological structure of the periorbital particularly thin skin , subcutaneous tissue and less special , when blood flow through here .

  19. 研究表明,当吃得太少时,过度瘦身对女性的危害有很多种,不可忽视。

    Research shows that when eating too little , too thin for crimes against women there are many , can not be ignored .

  20. 我们对自己的做出的决定,反而不如可选性少时做出的决定更加满意。

    we end up less satisfied with the result of the choice than we would be if we had fewer options to choose from .

  21. 层间相对厚度大、层数少时,则每层之间的有效流通通道尺寸会加大,使得渗透更容易,渗透率也会提高。

    Relatively thick layer , lower layers numbers , the total effective size of each channel between layers will also increase , flow permeation will increase .

  22. 她发表的所有诗只有差不多400篇,当被问及为何如此之少时,她温和地回答道,这是因为她有一个废纸篓。

    Asked why she had published so little - her entire canon was only some 400 poems - she replied gently that she had a waste-paper basket .

  23. 结群性较强,少时6-8只,人冬则结成40-50只的大群;

    They move in groups of at least six or eight birds , and in winter a flock may have as many as 40 or 50 pheasants .

  24. 徐年少时,一个算命的卜了一卦说她与父亲的命相冲,此后徐便只得远离父母居住。

    Xu spent her childhood years living away from her parents after " a fortuneteller said my horoscope showed I was not compatible with my father " .

  25. 当请求的数量增加,并且工作线程的数量太少时,处理请求则需要很长时间。

    When the number of requests increases and the number of worker threads is too small , it may take a long time for requests to be processed .

  26. 在电梯使用少时应进行演练,届时,需要有设备管理主管或者受过培训电梯技术员在场。

    Practice sessions should be conducted during low-demand hours of the elevator system and in the presence of a supervisor within the facility , or trained elevator technician .

  27. 低盐饮食,减重,戒烟,限制酒精摄取,运动可以预防或治疗高血压,或是在证明药物疗法不可少时减少药物。

    A low-salt diet , weight loss , smoking cessation , limited alcohol intake , and exercise can prevent or treat hypertension or reduce medication if drug therapy proves necessary .

  28. 最后还有同族亲友、官场同僚和少时伙伴,这些人在平辈人升迁时更容易产生嫉妒。因为对他们来说,平辈的升迁不啻是在批评自己的身份,是在对自己进行指责。

    Lastly , near kinsfolks , and fellows in office , and those that have been bred together , are more apt to envy their equals , when they are raised .

  29. 弟子答言:“此驴胜于瓦师。瓦师久时所作瓦器,少时能破。”

    The disciple replied ," This donkey is better than a mason , for it can break things in a split second what a mason has made over a long time . "

  30. 的压力使医生们需要接待的病人越来越多,花在每个病人身上的时间越来越少时,会诊时就没有足够的时间来探讨饮食和生活方式的问题了。

    As the pressures of managed care cause doctors to spend less and less time with more and more patients , there is not enough time to talk about diet and lifestyle issues .