
shào nǚ zhuānɡ
  • girls' wear/clothing
  1. 她脱下了朴素的套装,换上了一身古怪的少女装。

    She swapped her plain suit for an absurdly girlie dress

  2. 针对少女装C品牌假日消费群体不同的购买动机和行为,本文提出了差异化的假日服务营销组合策略。对少女装品牌企业在假日里进行有针对性的服务营销提供了指导性的作用。

    Based on the different consumer motives and behaviors of C brand on holiday , a service marketing strategy with differentiation is drawn to give instruct to holiday service marketing in fashion brand .

  3. 摩登百货最突出的强项是少女装系列,不仅聚集了广州年轻、最潮流的时尚品牌,而且经常有打折促销活动。

    The advantage of Mopark Department Store is the Girl series , which gathers the fashionable brands in Guangzhou for the youth . What 's more , discount for sales promotion is frequently hold here .