
xiǎo fù
  • lower abdomen;underbelly
小腹 [xiǎo fù]
  • [underbelly;lower abdomen] 见小肚子

小腹[xiǎo fù]
  1. 18岁的奥贝达·阿卜杜勒·纳比小腹的枪伤正在恢复。

    Eighteen year-old Obeida Abdel Nabi is recovering from a shrapnel wound to his lower abdomen .

  2. 适用于寒凝痛经,小腹疼痛而冷、得热痛减,经少色黑者。

    Dysmenorrhea tools to apply , the lower abdomen pain and chills , pain reduction in the heat , fewer black people .

  3. 中医症状:两组在改善月经量多、经色经质,减轻小腹疼痛等临床症状方面比较有显著性差异(P0.05)。

    Clinical symptoms : two in improving menstrual volume , by the color by the quality and reduce the clinical symptoms of abdominal pain were significantly different ( P0.05 ) .

  4. 2006年,怀孕7个月的吉姆•李(Kim•Lee)被她的丈夫一脚踢中小腹。这一脚太重了,让她不得不去医院治疗。

    IN 2006 , when she was seven months pregnant , Kim Lee was kicked so hard in the abdomen by her husband that she needed hospital treatment .

  5. 这位23岁的新妈咪在和儿子Kai在巴巴多斯岛度假时,身着黑色比基尼,大秀自己健康的肤色和平坦的小腹。

    The23-year-old WAG showed off her toned figure and enviably flat stomach in a black bikini while on holiday with son Kai in Barbados .

  6. 性感的安吉莉娜嘴上叼着一根香烟,她的小腹露在宝丽来相机的闪光灯下,这张照片由时尚摄影师SanteD'Orazio.

    A sultry-looking Angelina poses with a cigarette between her teeth and her midriff exposed in the Polaroid ' tester snap ' taken by fashion photographer Sante D'Orazio

  7. 他收小腹,一口气从胸腔呼出。

    He sucked in his belly and pushed ort his chest .

  8. 提高消化能力可以有助于小腹平坦。

    You can flatten things out by improving your digestion .

  9. 并且意识到在你每次吸气时,你的小腹会微微地鼓起。

    Be conscious of your stomach rising very gently as you inhale .

  10. 我不能再大吃大喝了,因为我的小腹越来越大。

    I have to stop eating so much because my gut is getting bigger .

  11. 噢,玫瑰般的小腹!

    Oh the pink roses of the pubis !

  12. 她身着一件浅蓝色的蕾丝连衣裙,看上去容光焕发,裙子遮住了她微隆的小腹。

    She looked radiant in a powder blue lace dress which skimmed over her bump .

  13. 不要在饭后擦小腹。

    Avoid rushing your stomach after meals .

  14. 最近在我的小腹有压力。

    A pressure in my abden lately .

  15. 我以前也有小腹的

    I used to have a stomach .

  16. 或泛指小腹部位,亦包括膀胱;(2)不可因小便自利而否定蓄血部位不在膀胱;

    The blood amassment in the bladder should not be denied even the urination is normal ;

  17. 她的小腹突然一阵剧痛,差点儿昏厥过去。

    There was a sudden sharp pain in her abdomen and she nearly collapsed from the pain .

  18. 最好用些解痉的药,可以热懯小腹,忌冷。

    With some of the best antispasmodic drug , can lower abdomen Fu heat , cold bogey .

  19. 娜塔莉卡西一直隐瞒着她怀孕的事情,终于在数周之后,她骄傲的秀出了自己隆起的小腹。

    After weeks of hiding her pregnancy , Natalie Cassidy is proudly showing off her burgeoning baby bump .

  20. 四姐妹站在晾衣绳下闲聊着,紧身衣下小腹隆起,孕态明显。

    The four sisters stand gossiping underneath the washing line , the growing baby bumps visible under tightly-fitting tops .

  21. 痛感为腰底部酸困疼痛,伴有小腹坠疼、白带增多。

    Pain relief acid at the bottom of the lumbar pain , pain associated with microgastropods falling , Leucorrhea increase .

  22. 这位剑桥公爵夫人小腹微凸,此行她是访问伦敦一家戒毒中心。

    With her baby bump slightly visible , the Duchess of Cambridge visited a center for recovering addicts in London .

  23. 当然,穿着礼服你们能看见她的小腹很可爱。

    She added : You can see , of course , the little stomach it looked very cute with the dress .

  24. 剑桥公爵夫人周三出席了伦敦国家肖像画廊的慈善活动,展示了自己隆起的小腹。

    The Duchess of Cambridge showed off her baby bump at a charity event at London 's National Portrait Gallery on Wednesday .

  25. 这位26岁的前伦敦东区女演员,身着大圆点毛衫和一条迷你短裙以故意秀出已然隆起的小腹。

    The former EastEnders actress , 26 , was sporting a small , but visible bump under her polka dot blouse and mini-skirt .

  26. 自从凯特王妃上个月宣布怀孕以来,她于今晚首次公开露面,看上去小腹微隆。

    The Duchess of Cambridge revealed a tiny baby bump tonight as she made her first public appearance since announcing her pregnancy last month .

  27. 在女权世界中,男人追求的时尚是紧身T恤。因此男人们都会痴迷地追求平坦的小腹。

    Because the style for men in the Gynocracy is to wear skin-tight T shirts , men are obsessed with having a flat stomach .

  28. 准爸爸们增重,晨吐甚至感觉小腹痉挛都是十分普遍的现象。

    It 's surprisingly common for a father-to-be to start gaining weight , getting morning sickness and even feel cramps in his lower abdomen .

  29. 你做仰卧起坐或少吃富含脂肪的食物,但仍不能使鼓起小腹有所改变。

    You 've done your sit ups and cut down on fatty foods , but still you can 't beat the battle of the belly bulge .

  30. 她的手指动作轻盈但又稳固,时而按在孕妇隆起的小腹上,时而为病人搭脉,时而检查病人的伤口。

    Lightly but firmly , her fingers moved across the swollen bellies of pregnant women , or felt for a pulse , or probed a wound .