
xiǎo shí tou
  • small stones;pebbles
  1. 从尘埃颗粒到小石头,一颗颗流星排列着形成一定规模。

    The meteorites range in size from dust grains to small pebbles .

  2. 用来随机选择的东西(稻草或小石头等)。

    Anything ( straws or pebbles etc. ) taken or chosen at random .

  3. 考虑了一会儿,在此期间又扔了三个小石头,它们滴答地响着,掉进井里,Simon决定直接在龙的眼皮子底下做,这要比跟她搞迂回路线更安全。

    After a moment 's consideration , during which time he sent three more stones tick-tack-ticking down the well , Simon decided it would be safer to go under the Dragon than around her .

  4. 沉淀在河流或湖泊里的泥、粘土或小石头。

    Mud or clay or small rocks deposited by a river or lake .

  5. 一个手指不能举起一块小石头。

    One finger can 't lift a small stone .

  6. 宾客们每人都有块小石头,婚礼全程都要握紧它。

    Guests are given stones and asked to hold them during the ceremony .

  7. 这个小石头看起来象个鸡蛋。

    The small stone looks like an egg .

  8. 他把这些五颜六色的小石头串成一串作为送给妹妹的礼物。

    He strung the coloured tiny stones together as a present for his sister .

  9. 在小石头的顶端作上箭头。

    Tip the arrow with the small stone .

  10. 小石头在神仙爷爷的指引下得到了一口神缸。

    Little Boy Stone got a magical vat under the guide of an old immortal .

  11. 多幸福的小石头啊。

    How happy is the little stone .

  12. 开车时小心些,这一地区到处是小石头。

    Be careful how you drive , there are small rocks about in this area .

  13. 幸福的小石头

    How happy is the little stone

  14. 小石头、砂砾层也可用来做隔绝层,以保持水分,降低土壤的温度。

    Pebbles and gravel also insulate the soil to keep surface temperatures low and preserve water .

  15. 片中的主人公小石头,尽量选择真正的“留守孩子”来扮演。

    The little hero , try to choose real stone " left-behind children " to play .

  16. 用小石头或浮石在花盆底部划上一两英寸长的口子确保正常排水。

    Line the bottom inch or two with small rocks or pumice to ensure good drainage .

  17. 然后她开始朝第五个窗口投掷裹着雪的小石头。

    Then it began to throw small stones , covered in snow , at the fifth window .

  18. 查尔斯递给你一个表面刻着“勇气”二字的小石头。

    Charles hands you a small sacred stone with the word " Courage " etched into its surface .

  19. 小孩子都喜欢玩泥沙,但这里没有泥沙,我们来玩小石头吧!

    Kids love to play with sand . Well , stone sounds a pretty good option , too !

  20. 快乐就像一块为了激起阵阵涟漪而丢进池塘的小石头。

    Happiness is like a pebble dropped into a pool to set in motion an ever-widening circle of ripples .

  21. 墓碑旁边立着一块小石头,呈心形,有轻度裂痕,被我做艺术家的女儿漆过。

    Alongside the headstone rested a small , heart-shaped rock , slightly cracked , painted by our artist daughter .

  22. 如果他没有找你,丢块小石头让他注意到你不见了。

    If he doesn 't look for you , toss a pebble to make him notice you are missing .

  23. 人们把一块小石头放在先驱者足迹的尽头(现在那已是一条大道),

    A small stone was then placed at the foot of the trail ( now a magnificent highway ) .

  24. 几乎就在他们走上这条小路时,露茜感觉到鞋里有颗小石头。

    Almost as soon as they entered this path Lucy noticed that she had a little stone in her shoe .

  25. 在因斯布鲁克,施瓦洛奇公司有间向游客展览这种亮晶晶的小石头的博物馆。

    The Swarovski company has a museum in Innsbruck that puts the shiny stones on display for everyone to see .

  26. 所以它能够将自身体积缩小到身边的一块小石头的大小,并且安稳地躺在海底。

    So it can contract into the shape of a little round stone , and sit perfectly still on the seafloor .

  27. 接着它绕着地上的小石头、小木棍左右摇摆地跑来跑去,

    And then it runs along the ground swirling left and right you know like running around a little rocks and sticks .

  28. 唧唧拾起一块尖硬的小石头,在墙上写下一句恳切的话,留给哼哼去思考。

    Haw picked up a small , sharp rock and wrote a serious thought on the wall for Hem to think about .

  29. 对没错这些小石头我喜欢玩它们你看起来太美了-谢谢

    Yeah ! Yeah , they just little stones , I like to play . - You look fantastic . - Thank you .

  30. 如果你没有任何参考信息,那么随便乱走,在你走过的路线上留下小石头作为标记物,每一个小石头都指向下一个小石头的位置。

    If you have no information , walk at random , leaving a trail of stone markers , each one pointing to the next .