
  • 网络LITTLE ROCK;lit;little rock city;Cities
  1. 他1982年毕业于小石城中学。

    He graduated from Little Rock High in 1982 .

  2. 即将在小石城开业的新食品店“站点”将主要销售本地食品。

    The Station , a new grocery store about to open in Little Rock , will sell primarily local foods .

  3. 美国阿肯色大学小石城分校的婚姻家庭治疗师贝基·惠茨通(BeckyWhetstone)说,你不可能知道别人的感受或想法,所以,这句话还是不要说出口为好。

    There 's no way of knowing what someone is feeling or thinking , so keep the assumptions to yourself , said Becky Whetstone , a marriage and family therapist in Little Rock , Arkansas .

  4. 小石城一位妇女挨饿就是我们在挨饿。

    The hunger of a woman in Little Rock , our hunger .

  5. 我去了小石城面试,这个州所有的申请者都去那里。

    I went to Little Rock-all the state applicants did-to be interviewed .

  6. 种族问题在小石城仍然闹得不可开交。

    Race issues still bubble in Little Rock .

  7. 克林顿图书馆在小石城开放

    Library Clinton to Open in Little Rock

  8. 把家安在孟菲斯还是安在小石城,杰克有好几个星期都拿不定主意。

    For weeks Jack vacillated between a home in Memphis and one in Little Rock .

  9. 在追求种族平等的斗争中,“小石城九学生”成为了勇气的象征。

    The Little Rock Nine became a symbol of courage in the quest for equality .

  10. 你知道阿肯色州的小石城吗?我的父母就住在那边。

    Have you heard of Little Rock , Arkansas ? My parents live down there .

  11. 下次路过小石城的时候别忘了来看看我。

    Don 't forget to look me up next time you 're passing through little rock .

  12. 6月底一个明亮的夏日之晨,比尔开车到小石城机场接我。

    Bill picked me up at the airport in Little Rock on a bright summer morning in late June .

  13. 他准备这天上小石城去定做自己的结婚礼服并给安娜贝尔买上一些好东西。

    He was going the Little Rock that day to order his wedding-suit and buy something nice for Annabel .

  14. 不久前,布什在阿肯色州的小石城说:我们全家都很好。

    " The family 's doing well ," Mr. Bush said not long ago in Little Rock , Ark .

  15. 近25年的调查(从阿肯色州的小石城到华盛顿)都没能打倒他们。

    Nearly a quarter of a century of probes from Little Rock to Washington have failed to bring them down .

  16. 九月三十日到十月一日他参加了在阿肯色州小石城庆祝他当年在那里宣布竞选总统20周年的活动。

    From September30th to October1st he celebrates the20th anniversary of his announced run for the presidency in Little Rock , Arkansas .

  17. 继续写书并修建他在小石城的总统图书馆(他每个月去那里一次);

    Make progress on his book and on building his presidential library in Little Rock ( which he visits once a month );

  18. 小石城的学校做出了反对种族融合的最后一丝努力,关门停课。学生被分散到附近城镇的学校。

    Little Rocks schools were closed in a last-gasp effort to stop integration , its kids dispersed to schools in nearby towns .

  19. 每当圣诞来临之际,在阿肯色州小石城、州议会大厦周围修剪整齐的草地上,都会立起耶诞的布景。

    ON A manicured lawn within the grounds of the Arkansas state capitol in Little Rock a Nativity scene is erected each Advent .

  20. 费斯特来自阿肯色州的小石城。他说,新政府有无穷无尽的机会。

    Laverne Feaster , who traveled to the inauguration from Little Rock , Arkansas , says the opportunities with the new administration are endless .

  21. 然后我们遇到了简,她是一名老师,来自阿肯色州的小石城,她在几十年前的一次学校募捐活动中曾和比尔克林顿跳过舞。

    Then there was Jane , a teacher from Little Rock , Arkansas who danced with Bill Clinton decades ago at a school fundraiser .

  22. 审计员丹尼尔斯和同事们把无人认领的现金存在银行,把其它贵重物品放在首府小石城的两个大保险箱里。

    Charlie Daniels " office puts the cash in the bank and the valuables in two big safes in the capital of Little Rock .

  23. 但银行界人士希望,从总统当选人克林顿本周在小石城召开的经济会议所产生的提案将是奖多于惩。

    But bankers hope that any proposal that emerges during President-elect bill clinton 's economic conference in Little Rock this week will include more carrot than stick .

  24. 我在小学和初中仅有的另一个秘密,是在葛培理的小石城布道会后,把自己的部分零花钱捐给了他。

    The only other secret I had in grade school and junior high was sending part of my allowance to Billy Graham after his Little Rock crusade .

  25. 一年后,我们搬到了阿肯色州小石城,我成为首席检察官,她加入密西西比州西部历史最悠久的律师事务所。

    A little over a year later we moved to Little Rock when I became attorney general and she joined the oldest law firm west of the Mississippi .

  26. 比尔在2月27号星期三回到小石城,正好赶上我羊水破裂,令他和州警们心焦如焚。

    Bill got back to Little Rock on Wednesday , February 27 , in time for my water to break . That threw him and the state troopers into a panic .

  27. 那年,有好几个月我都在和苏珊。史密瑟斯约会。史密瑟斯来自阿肯色州的本顿镇,该镇在温泉城以东30英里通向小石城的公路边。

    For several months that year , I dated Susan Smithers , a girl from Benton , Arkansas , thirty miles east of Hot Springs on the highway to Little Rock .

  28. 2000年,在白宫南草坪举行的庆典仪式上,我向“小石城九学生”颁发了国会金奖章,这是戴尔。邦珀斯议员提议的。

    In2000 , at a ceremony on the South Lawn of the White House , I presented the Little Rock Nine with the Congressional Gold Medal , an honor initiated by Senator Dale Bumpers .

  29. 五年级期间,我参加赴州首府的校外考察旅行时探访过小石城。当时最有意思的是参观州长的办公室,并且趁州长不在时在他的办公椅上坐了一会儿。

    I visited Little Rock on a fifth-grade field trip to the state Capitol , the highlight of which was a visit to the governors office with the chance to sit in the absent governors chair .

  30. 城市的名字来源于小石城往西略偏南50多英里处沃希塔山脉一道狭谷中汩汩涌出的硫磺温泉。第一个发现这眼温泉的欧洲人是埃尔南多。德索托。

    The hot sulfur springs , for which the city is named , bubble up from below ground in a narrow gap in the Ouachita Mountains a little more than fifty miles west and slightly south of Little Rock .