
  • 网络twig;stick;sprig;spray
  1. 远处有一根小树枝折断的声音,斯茂拉赫和鲁契克就立刻朝声源抬起头,确定它的来因。

    A twig would snap in the distance and instantly Smaolach and Luch ó g would cock their heads in the direction of the sound and identify its cause .

  2. 乡民们涌入了临近的城镇。n.小树枝

    Rural populations swarmed into nearby towns . twig

  3. 在一棵树上,一根细树枝和另一根细树枝之间可能相隔很宽,所以走不是一个好的选择。但是,每一根小树枝上都有足够的空间让双脚并排站立,所以似乎应该跳跃。

    Perhaps there is wide space in a tree between one thin branch and the next , so walking is not a good choice , while on each small branch there is enough room to set both feet down side by side , so hopping seems to make sense .

  4. 他听见小树枝在脚下被踩断的劈啪声。

    He heard the snap of a twig broken under foot .

  5. 略小的美洲树,有丝绒般的小树枝,叶表较低。

    Smallish American tree with velvety branchlets and lower leaf surfaces .

  6. 小鸟用小树枝做窝。

    The bird gathered small sticks to make into a nest .

  7. 用小树枝和树叶中脉钓取白蚁是其中的两种模式。

    Termite fishing with twigs and the mid-ribs of leaves were two .

  8. 洋白蜡树的一种,有光泽的小树枝,叶表较低。

    A variety of red ash having glossy branchlets and lower leaf surfaces .

  9. 孩子手拿一根小树枝。

    The boy had a small branch of a tree in his hand .

  10. 这个孩子用小树枝碰了碰这条虫子。

    The child touched the worm with a twig .

  11. 他正忙着用小树枝和木块生一小堆火。

    He was busy making a little fire from twigs and bits of log .

  12. 12个孪生子12次捻转12根小树枝。

    Twelve twins twirled twelve twigs twelve times .

  13. 她把她的笨重的鞋子移动几毫米,有意踩断了一根小树枝。

    She moved her clumsy shoe a few centimetres and deliberately crushed a twig .

  14. 乔坐在那里用小树枝拨弄沙子,一副愁眉苦脸相。

    Joe sat poking up the sand with a stick and looking very gloomy .

  15. 从树上折断一根小树枝。

    Broke a twig from the tree .

  16. 森林被砍伐后许多小树枝被犁入土中。

    When the forest was cleared , a lot of small branches were ploughed under .

  17. 看上去象一根小树枝的昆虫。

    An insect that mimics a twig .

  18. 这种昆虫看上去像一个小树枝。

    The insect simulates a twig .

  19. 她听到一根小树枝啪地折断了。

    She heard a twig snap .

  20. 树摇晃得很厉害,在风雨的裹挟下,我身边的小树枝噼啪作响,似乎在嘲笑我的渺小。

    The tree swayed and strained . The small twigs snapped and fell about me in showers .

  21. 一棵垂垂老矣的常青藤我女儿读小学的时候,有天放学回家,她带回了4只细细的小树枝

    When my daughter was in grade school , one day she brought home 4 tiny twigs .

  22. 我现在也能动手我会像折根小树枝那样拧断她的脖子你知道的

    If I have to , I will snap her neck like a twig.And you know it .

  23. 我和女儿去墓地的时候发现墓前放着一段小树枝和一朵金合欢。

    We went to the cemetery with my daughter and found a sprig of acacia on the grave .

  24. 老实说,鹪鹩在森林中筑巢,它只需要一根小树枝就够了;

    To tell the truth , a wren needs only a twig to build its nest in the forest ;

  25. 裹着一条毯子的一个小孩靠着一把大柳条椅坐着,手里玩着一个小树枝。

    A child wrapped in a blanket sits propped up in a large wicker chair , toying with a sprig .

  26. 由香肠去找小树枝,而老鼠做所有的烹饪工作。

    The sausage would go out in search of twigs instead and the mouse would do all the cooking instead .

  27. 工人甚至在平台上摆放了小树枝,但是这些鸟却将这些筑巢的材料统统带到了原来的巢里。

    Workers even placed twigs on the platform , but the birds carried the nesting materials back to their old homes .

  28. 这只英勇的小鸟持续从山上衔来小树枝和小石子,扔到东海中,从未有半晌苏息。

    The brave little bird kept carrying twigs and pebbles from the mountain to the Eastern Sea without taking a rest .

  29. 在英格兰全境,人们会在深夜采摘五月的桦枝,然后把小树枝挂在门上。

    Across England people would go May Birching : getting sprigs during the dead of night and placing them on their doors .

  30. 他说:当我第一次见到她的时候,我简直不敢相信这些根小树枝可以承受这么多重量。

    He said : ' When I first saw her , I could hardly believe the small branches could cover that much weight .