
  1. 数字包括小林村被泥石流埋没的人员。

    It very likely covers people buried in the Hsiao-lin mudslide .

  2. 强台风“莫拉克”毁坏了台南美丽的小林村。

    The strong typhoon Morakot ruined the beautiful Xiaolin village in Tainan .

  3. 电视画面显示小林村附近的街道被厚厚的淤泥和乱石所覆盖。

    Footage showed the streets of a village near Hsiao-lin covered by thick mud and rubble .

  4. 据信,坐落在河谷的小林村有逾400人死亡。

    More than 400 people are thought to have died in Hsiao Lin , which was located in a river valley .

  5. 当8月19日自台风登陆台湾以来马英九第一次访问小林村时,愤怒的村民生气地指责他,这更加强了这一信息的真实性。

    Reinforcing this message , angry residents of Hsiao Lin angrily scolded Mr Ma on August19th when he made his first visit there since the typhoon .

  6. 许多人将小林村以及其它村庄的悲剧归咎于,政府在台风来袭时未能给予充分警告,而且多年来忽视了对山坡和基础设施的维护。

    Many have laid the blame for the tragedy in Hsiao Lin and other villages on the government for failing to give adequate warning when the typhoon hit and for years of neglect of the maintenance of slopes and infrastructure .

  7. 刘世贤表示,官方预计的小林村死亡人数约380人是最保守的数字。刘世贤在甲仙乡经营着一家纪念品商品和餐馆。

    Mr Liu , who runs a souvenir shop and restaurant in Jia Sian , selling products made of the area 's famous taro crop , said the official estimate of about 380 people dead in Hsiao Lin was the most conservative number .