
  • 网络Muffin
  1. 你可以把那些糟糕的小松饼放回抽屉。

    You can put your sad little muffin back in its drawer .

  2. 一个小松饼大约含有720卡路里,一个由整个菠萝(有几磅重),半个甜瓜,半个木瓜,再加两个梨,一些葡萄,猕猴桃和两个小全麦卷组成的拼盘,含有的能量也是720卡路里。

    One small muffin is around 720 calories , and a huge platter consisting of an entire pineapple ( that weighs several pounds ) , half a melon , half a papaya , plus two pears , some grapes , kiwi and two small whole-wheat rolls are also 720 calories .

  3. 他正在一本正经地吃着小松饼。

    He was eating muffins with real solemnity .

  4. 上周人家送我一篮小松饼,结果你们粘了我三天!

    Someone gave me a basket of mini-muffins last week and I couldn 't get rid of you for3 days !

  5. 上周人家送我一篮小松饼,结果你们粘了我3天!

    Someone gave me a basket of mini-muffins last week and I couldn 't get rid of you for 3 days !

  6. 塞缪尔和他最要好的朋友鲁迪和他可爱的小姐妹松饼,踏上了一系列丰富多彩的冒险旅程。

    With his best friend Rudy and his cute little sister Muffin , he embarks on a series of colorful adventures .

  7. 可否不要烤面包而要一块英式小松糕?松饼罐中焙制的小蛋糕。

    Would it be possible to have an English muffin instead of toast ? small cake baked in a muffin tin .

  8. 但是2014年一枚鸡蛋因比它小1毫米而打破了这项纪录。那枚鸡蛋是在萨摩赛特一只叫小松饼的母鸡下的。

    But that was beaten in 2014 by an egg one millimetre smaller in size , laid in Somerset by a hen called Muffin .