
  • 网络Small Deflection Theory
  1. 基于小挠度理论的悬空管道力学分析

    Mechanics Analysis on Vacant Pipelines Based on Small Deflection Theory

  2. 本文以弹性薄板小挠度理论为基础,推导了楼板的微分方程,提出了截面刚度的计算公式。

    In this paper , on the base of small deflection theory of thin flexible , I have deduced the differential equations of the floor , a cross-section of the stiffness formula . 3 .

  3. 采用层状横向各向同性弹性半空间地基模型,根据克希霍夫的薄板小挠度理论,通过ANSYS有限元分析程序,分析弹性地基上的筏板基础。

    Adopting layers horizontal isotropic elasticity half-space ground model , according to the Kirchhoff theory of Small deflection of thin slab , through the analysis of ANSYS procedure , analyze the raft board foundation on the elastic ground .

  4. 最后对所应用的小挠度理论的使用范围进行了讨论。

    The work condition of the small-deflection theory is verified .

  5. 以弹性薄板小挠度理论为基础,推导出了蜂窝式空心板的微分方程。

    Based on the tiny deflection theory of the elastic thin plates , the differential equations of the cellular voided plates are given .

  6. 以托板理论、弹塑性力学中的薄板弯曲小挠度理论为基础,编程计算了爆破矿柱后顶板悬露面积的临界值。

    On the basis of slate theory and elastic and plastic mechanics theory , the critical area of slate is obtained by computer calculation .

  7. 以弹性小挠度理论,采用能量法建立了较简便实用的轧后带材失稳判别模型。

    The more practical and simple distinguishing model , ofthe rolled strip 's stabilization is set up with energy method that depends on small-deflection elastic theory .

  8. 本文从薄板小挠度理论出发,研究了混凝土路面板的热应力稳定问题。

    In this paper , based on the thin plate theory of a small deflection , we discussed the thermal stress stability of concrete pavement in the engineering .

  9. 运用四周固支薄板小挠度理论,分析了存在较大残余应力的浓硼重掺杂硅悬空薄膜的力学特性。

    We present an analytical solution for the total stress and mechanical sensitivity of highly boron doped Si diaphragm with small deflection considering effect to result from the residual stress .

  10. 在第二步计算中对联接板采用薄板小挠度理论与主梁的变形建立联立方程组求解。

    Stresses in the connecting slab is solved in the second step according to the differential eguations derived by the theory of thin plate with small deformations combined with deformations of the box-girders .

  11. 基于刚性板和小挠度理论,考虑混凝土的材料非线性,推导了热载作用下钢筋混凝土矩形薄板的平衡方程和稳定方程。

    Based on the rigidity plate and the small deflection theories , and considering the physical nonlinearity of concrete , the equilibrium and stability equations of reinforced concrete rectangular plate subjected to thermal loading are derived .

  12. 基于小挠度理论推导了等截面直压杆和变截面直压杆的通用稳定特征方程,通过对稳定特征方程进行试算可得出压杆的计算长度;

    Based on little deformation theory , the general stability characteristic equations for the straight compression bars with both constant and variable cross-sections are derived so as to find the calculated length of compression bar by trial method .

  13. 基于小挠度理论和大挠度理论的基本微分方程,利用虚拟载荷法分别建立了弹性钢构件(梁、柱)在火灾条件下的二阶分析格式。

    Based on the differential equation of large deform theory and small deform theory , respectively , this paper establishes the second order analysis styles of elastic steel beam column under the fire condition , which are based on the subjunctive load method .

  14. 在小挠度理论中,通过前屈曲分析得到了完善的编织复合材料圆柱壳在轴压情况下的经典屈曲临界载荷,根据经验及有限元计算结果,提出了计算屈曲临界荷载的修正公式。

    In the small deflection theory , by buckling analysis , the classical buckling critical load of integrative braid composite cylindrical shells under axial compression is get . According to the experience and the results of FEM , a revised formula for calculating buckling critical load is presented .

  15. 最终,得到弹塑性调整系数的理论公式,由所求得的塑性极限荷载与弹性极限荷载(薄板小挠度理论的结果)的比值来确定,并列出了弹塑性调整系数计算表。

    Finally , the adjustment factor to be elastoplastic theory of the formula will be obtained , by the plastic limit load and elastic limit load ( small deflection theory of the results of thin plate ) ratio determined , and has set out the elastoplastic adjustment factor computation table .

  16. 首先应用小挠度弹性理论,在一些合理简化假设的基础上,推导自平衡索桁架的初始刚度、松弛刚度及临界松弛荷载公式。

    Based on the small-deflection elastic theory and some simplified assumptions , the initial stiffness , the slack stiffness and the critical slack load have been derived theoretically .

  17. 用样条函数半解析方法建立弹性层状地基模型,根据小挠度薄板理论,建立弹性层状地基上刚性路面的位移计算模型。

    Using B_shape spline function to establish elastic layered foundation , a numerical model to calculate displacement of rigid pavement on layered foundation is developed with finite element method .

  18. 本文基于梁弯曲变形的小挠度线性理论,提出了半挠性喷管挠性板弹性曲线的计算方法。

    A method of calculating elastic curve for semiflexible plate wind tunnel nozzle has been presented , based on the linear theory of small deflection of beam deformation , in this paper .

  19. 根据小挠度薄板的理论,得到矩形薄板的振动方程。

    Based on the assumption of the small deflection of thin plates , the vibration equation of rectangle thin plates is concluded .

  20. 应用小挠度弹性弯曲理论,导出圆形压电复合层薄板的弹性曲面微分方程和复合层薄板的中性面位置方程;

    Some elastic curved surface differential equations and neutral planes of circular piezoelectric composite laminates are derived from the elastic thin plate bending theory with small deflection .

  21. Pflüger各向同性小挠度加筋板理论的基础上,将其推广到有开口筋增强的纤维型复合材料迭层板。

    Pfluger 's theory of small deflection isotropic plate reinforced with ribs , it is stretched into fibrous laminated plates having open sectional stiffeners .

  22. 设材料服从Boltzmann积分型本构关系,其松弛模量由Prony-Dirichlet级数描述,分别基于小挠度和几何非线性理论,从参数振动的角度研究了线粘弹性板壳的动力稳定性。

    In the analysis of dynamic stability of viscoelastic plates and shells within the geometrically linear and nonlinear theory , the Boltzmann hereditary constitutive relationship is used to model the viscoelastic behavior and relaxation modulus is characterized with Prony-Dirichlet series .

  23. 为了分析夹层对岩盐储气库造腔的影响,根据小挠度的薄板弯曲理论,建立了岩盐储气库中夹层的数学模型。

    For analysing the inter-beds 's influence on gas storage in salt caverns building with water solution , it researches the inter-beds mathematics model .

  24. 将支撑板的力学分析归结为边界简支的圆形薄板的小挠度问题,通过理论计算得到了支撑板的挠度和厚度的计算关系式,为设计支撑板提供了理论依据。

    By summing up the mechanical analysis on bearing board into a flexibility problem , the formula of the relationship between flexibility and thickness was deduced by theoretical calculation .

  25. 本文利用经典小挠度弹性扁壳理论研究了圆底扁球壳在任意集中脉冲荷载作用下的动力响应问题。

    In this paper , the dynamic response of shallow spherical shell with circular base Subjected to arbitrary concentrated impulsive loading is studied by using classical small deflection theory of elastic shallow shell .