
xiǎo xì
  • playlet;operetta;small-scale opera
小戏 [xiǎo xì]
  • [playlet;small-scale opera] 短小的或微不足道的戏

小戏[xiǎo xì]
  1. 第四部分梳理小戏的发展。

    The fourth part combs the development of operetta .

  2. 第八部分分析和探寻凤台小戏的处境与出路。

    The eighth part analyzes and inquires about the situation and the outlet of the Fengtai operetta .

  3. 尽管有不少缺欠,这出小戏仍颇具魅力。

    With all imperfections the short play has a real charm .

  4. 或歌舞与小戏两种形式并存。

    In some areas , the dance and local opera co-exist .

  5. 土家族民间小戏与岁时节日习俗

    Tujia Nationality 's Folk Small Dramas and the Customs of Season 's Festivals

  6. 学校上演了几个小戏,没有演长剧。

    The school presented a group of sketches instead of a long play .

  7. 阳戏是流传于湖北、湖南、四川、重庆、贵州、云南等省市的一种民间小戏。

    Yang drama is a folk performance popular in Hubei , Sichuan and Chongqing .

  8. 在传统戏曲中的柳琴艺术象其它地方小戏种一样需要挽救和发展。

    The art of Liuqin in traditional opera should be further saved and developed .

  9. 从民间小戏到经典折子戏&以《思凡》为个案的研究

    From a Folk Piece to a Classical Episode : The Case of Stirrings of Earthly Thoughts

  10. 但是,我要问你,你一个小戏看完。

    But , I 'm going to tease you a little and ask you to read on .

  11. 武安落子是一种兼歌舞、说唱、戏曲为一体的地方小戏。

    The drama of Wu an is a facultative dance rap as one of the local opera drama .

  12. 然后他们分组表演双人对舞、“扑蝴蝶”、“渔翁钓鱼”以及扮演民间小戏等。

    At last , they perform in groups " catching butterflies ", " fishing " and small local operas .

  13. 战争话语下的草根文化&论抗战时期山西革命根据地的民间小戏

    Grass-roots Culture in the Context of War : Folk Operas in the Shanxi Revolutionary Base during the Resistance War against Japan

  14. 这类保温材料有两种形式。或歌舞与小戏两种形式并存。

    Insulating materials of this type are in two forms . In some areas , the dance and local opera co-exist .

  15. 艾伦比较喜欢一些安静的小戏或辩论,他讨厌而且害怕体育课和课后的游戏,比如其它男孩冬天玩的冰球。

    Although he enjoyed the feeble little plays and debates , he hated and feared the gym class and the afternoon games .

  16. 山西省壶关县是全国著名的戏曲之乡,壶关秧歌便是在这里土生土长的地方小戏。

    The County of Huguan , Shanxi , is a nation-known home of operas , and Yangge is a locally-born regional opera here .

  17. 另一方面由于折子戏艺术的完备,其对地方小戏的产生与繁荣也起到了不可估量的作用。

    On the other hand the Opera art is complete , the production of local opera and prosperity also played an invaluable role .

  18. “凤台小戏”这朵太行艺术奇葩将在大家的努力下,越开越美。

    " Fengtai small theater " Taihang allow wonderful art will be the efforts of everyone , the more open the more the United States .

  19. 文化展演中的乡村社会&清末民初山西秧歌小戏与乡村社会生活

    Culture Performing in Country Society : Yangko Opera and Country Society in Shanxi in the Late Qing and the Early Years of the Republic of China

  20. 1960年,第一期《和顺小戏集》出版,该书收集编入了7个剧目、24首曲牌;

    In1960 , the first phase of the " small show Heshun collection " publication , the book collection into the seven operas , 24 Qupai ;

  21. 赤城地方小戏,源于赤城县白草乡马栅子村,2008年已申报为世界非物质文化遗产。

    Chicheng local short plays , from Chicheng County Rural Ma baicao Village Gate in2008 , has been declared as the world 's intangible cultural heritage .

  22. 笔者从名称说,江南说,商路即戏路之说三个方面来探讨凤台小戏的起源。

    The author discussed the Fengtai operetta from three aspects , namely , the name , Jiangnan , the trade route which is the play road .

  23. 这可能是地方小戏缺乏必要的规范引导,从而使得演员发音有些随意。

    In my opinion , it dues to a small local opera being lack of the necessary normalized guidance , so that the pronunciation of some random actor .

  24. 二人台是在内蒙古西部以及山西河曲、陕西榆林等部分地区极为流行的一种具有深厚民间文化基因的地方小戏。

    Rooted in folk culture deeply , Errentai ( a kind of folk duet ) is a popular local play in the areas of western Inner Mongolia , Yulin etc.

  25. 八年抗战和解放战争时期,“凤台小戏”濒临灭绝,致使部分剧目及一些特技表演失传。

    Eight-year war and the War of Liberation ," Fengtai small theater " on the brink of extinction , with the result that part of the repertoire and some stunt lost .

  26. 民间小戏,作为草根文化的代表,其产生、发展、兴盛与乡村社会有着直接而紧密的联系,较真实地反映了社会生活的多元图景。

    As a representative of grass-roots culture , the origin , development and flowering of folk opera has direct and strict connections with rural society , and gives a comparatively true reflection of many aspects of social life .

  27. 本文从角色体制、角色表演、音乐体制与乐队器乐、舞台艺术特征几方面来阐述;第六部分分析凤台小戏的剧目与剧本。

    This thesis elaborated from the role system , the role performance , music system and the orchestra instrumental music , stagecraft characteristic several aspects . The sixth part analyzes the plays and the script of the Fengtai operetta .

  28. 此次的少儿版《白蛇传》由湖南卫视“小戏骨”栏目出品。“小戏骨”的字面意思是“小艺术家”,该栏目的特色是由小孩扮演中国文学和民间传说中的经典角色。

    The children 's version of " Lady White Snake " was produced by a Hunan TV program called Xiao Xigu , which literally means young artists in English , and features children in the roles of classic characters from Chinese literature and folklore .

  29. 独具环县民间艺术特色的道情皮影小戏,却以其强大的生命力在陇东的崇山峻岭、沟谷峁梁之间活跃了百余年之久,因而环县道情皮影又称陇东道情。

    However , with unique folk art characteristics and its strong vitality , the Huan County Taoism shadow plays have been animating for hundreds of years among the high mountains and the lofty hills of Longdong , which is also called " Daoqing longdong " .

  30. 扬州花鼓戏虽然是一种地方小戏,但它具有音乐的兼容性和独特性、表演艺术的模仿性和喜剧性、内容的多样性和世俗性等鲜明的艺术特点。

    The flower-drum opera in Yangzhou is a kind of local drama , but she 's characterized by the distinct artistic characteristics such as the compatibility and distinctiveness of its music , the imitativeness and comedy of its performing art and the diversity and popularity of its content .