
xiǎo xué shēng
  • pupil;schoolboy;junior;school boy;schoolchild;schoolgirl;primary school boy;younger pupil;younger boy
小学生 [xiǎo xué shēng]
  • (1) [primary school boy;younger pupil]∶年岁较小的学生

  • (2) [younger boy;school boy]〈方〉∶年岁较小的男孩子

小学生[xiǎo xué shēng]
  1. 这些复杂的公式是一般小学生不能理解的。

    These complex formulae are beyond the grasp of the average pupil .

  2. 埃莉诺是个扭捏局促的小学生。

    Eleanor was a reluctant , anxious pupil .

  3. 不少小学生一直经常旷课。

    A number of pupils have been truanting regularly .

  4. 他那个样子简直就像偷苹果时被当场抓住的小学生。

    He looked for all the world like a schoolboy caught stealing apples .

  5. 他扮鬼脸逗得小学生观众都笑起来了。

    His facial contortions amused the audience of schoolchildren .

  6. 多数小学生都学习演奏乐器。

    Most pupils learn a musical instrument .

  7. 班主任必须对小学生的需求体察入微。

    The classroom teacher must be sensitive to a child 's needs

  8. 那情景就像一个老师正在管教一屋子的二年级小学生。

    It was like a teacher disciplining a roomful of second-year pupils

  9. 小学生在作出选择时需要悉心指导。

    Pupils will need careful guidance on their choice of options .

  10. 有的老师比小学生的父母更能管得住他们。

    Some teachers have more control over pupils than their parents have .

  11. 他们像小学生一样,在地板上滚来滚去,互相挥着拳头揍对方。

    They just rolled about on the floor punching each other like schoolboys

  12. 学校开除了数量空前的难以管教的小学生。

    Schools are booting out record numbers of unruly pupils .

  13. 现在99%的小学生都亲手操作过电脑。

    Ninety-nine per cent of primary pupils now have hands-on experience of computers

  14. 那是个十分低级的错误,一个小学生才会犯的错误。

    It was a diabolical error , a schoolboy error

  15. 电影记载了一群伦敦小学生的日常活动。

    The film chronicles the everyday doings of a group of London schoolchildren .

  16. 小学生们被要求列出他们最喜欢和最讨厌的运动。

    The pupils were asked to list the sports they loved most and hated most

  17. 每一个骑乘项目她都要亲自试一试,以便更好地指导她那些跃跃欲试的小学生。

    She came on every ride herself , the better to instruct her eager pupils .

  18. 小学生期末考试的分数最多可以加5分,作为对其拼写、标点和语法正确的奖励。

    A bonus of up to 5 per cent can be added to a pupil 's final exam marks as a reward for good spelling , punctuation and grammar

  19. 课间休息的时候,小学生们常在操场上做游戏。

    Pupils often play games in the playground during breaks .

  20. 那所学校中的很多小学生完全依赖公众捐助就学。

    Many pupils in that school depend entirely on donations from the public .

  21. 所有小学生都可以免费检查视力。

    All students in primary schools can get a free sight / eyesight / vision test .

  22. 他终归是个小学生。

    After all he is still a schoolboy .

  23. 这些小学生经常帮生产队积肥、锄草,诸如此类的好事他们还做过很多。

    These school children regularly help the production teams collect manure and do weeding ; they often do good deeds like this .

  24. 小学生怎么架得住这么多家庭作业?

    How can the pupils cope with so much homework ?

  25. 小学生们不愿延长学期。

    The pupils disliked the extension of the term .

  26. 小学生们在校园里欢闹。

    The primary students played noisily in the playground .

  27. 对于一些小学生来说,受表扬不是努力学习的动机。

    With some pupils , praise is not an incentive to study hard .

  28. 小学生、中学生以至大学生都来看这个展览。

    Elementary school students , middle school students and even college students came to see the exhibition .

  29. 这一成本的降低使得研究人员、业余爱好者甚至小学生团队都可以将简单的仪器送入近地轨道,甚至可以在国际空间站部署它们。

    This decrease in cost allows researchers , hobbyists and even elementary school groups to put simple instruments into LEO or even having them deployed from the ISS .

  30. 他们也是小学生放学后的好帮手。

    They are also great helpers for primary school students after school .