
xiǎo tài yánɡ
  • Little Sun;an only child around whom all family members move
  1. 美国中心河流产的小太阳鱼。

    Small sunfishes of the genus Pomoxis of central United States rivers .

  2. 美国中部河流中的小太阳鱼。

    Small sunfishes of central United States rivers .

  3. 谁是我的小太阳,暖暖照耀青春的路。

    Where 's my little sunshine , on teen 's path that I ride ?

  4. 北美洲体色鲜艳的小太阳鱼。

    Small brilliantly colored North American sunfish .

  5. 他的出现给我带来无比的快乐,他差不多是我的小太阳。

    His presence gives me uncontrollable joy , almost as if he were my sun .

  6. 给我一个小太阳,在阴霾的冬日,驱走严寒。

    I wish I had a little sun to sweet away coldness in the gloomy winter .

  7. 真正的太阳周边突然出现两个“双胞胎”小太阳,而且被彩虹样的光环包围着。

    The real sun suddenly appeared to have two smaller twins , and was surrounded by rainbow-like halos .

  8. 《小镇艳阳录》与《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》中的幽默北美洲体色鲜艳的小太阳鱼。

    Humor in Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town and the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ; small brilliantly colored North American sunfish .

  9. 基于宽带隙P-I-N结构的高效有机小分子太阳电池

    High efficiency small molecular organic thin film solar cells with wide energy gap p-i-n structure

  10. 用此薄膜制成CdS/CdTe/ZnTe∶Cu小面积太阳电池,经过I-V测试,其转换效率已达8.35%。

    The thin film is compact , the grain size is about 1 micron . the CdS / CdTe / ZnTe ∶ Cu small area solar cell was made of with this CdTe thin film and its efficiency has reached 8.35 % .

  11. 通过电池的光、暗I-V和C-V特性测试,以ZnTe/ZnTe:Cu/Ni为背接触的小面积太阳电池,其性能优于其它背接触的电池。

    From the dark and illuminated I-V and C-V measurements , higher efficiency has been demonstrated for the small area CdTe solar cells of ZnTe / ZnTe : Cu / Ni . And this kind of solar cells shows better performance than those with the other back contacts .

  12. 他告诉这个小男孩太阳从东方升起。

    He told the little boy that the sun rises in the east .

  13. 太阳表面的吸引力将变得很小,太阳的外层将汽化进入太空。

    The sun 's surface gravity will be so low the outer layers will boil off into space .

  14. 下一步的工作可以寻找更合适的材料或优化器件结构将这些改进集中到一个器件,更好的改善有机小分子太阳电池的性能。

    The next step could be to find a more suitable material or device structure to put these improvements into one device , to improve the performances of small organic molecules .

  15. 在近地球轨道的空间环境小,太阳电池除了可以利用直射的太阳光将光能转换为电能,也可以利用地球表面反射的太阳光进行发电。

    In the aerospace environment near the Earth , the solar cells can convert both solar radiation energy and the reflectance energy from the Earth into electric energy at the same time .

  16. 我的小温室在太阳照耀下会被烤得炙热。

    My small greenhouse gets very hot when the sun is shining .

  17. 我应该把小神像对着太阳看。

    I was supposed to hold the statue up to the sun .

  18. 月亮比地球小,但是太阳比地球大得多。

    The moon is smaller than the earth , but the sun is much bigger than the earth .

  19. 以往的研究证明这些小昆虫把太阳当作指南针,为它们指路。

    Past studies have shown that the insects use the sun as a compass to show them the way .

  20. 小人鱼向太阳睁开亮晶晶的眼睛,她第一次感到要流出眼泪。

    The little mermaid lifted her glorified eyes towards the sun , and felt them , for the first time , filling with tears .

  21. 鳄鱼在小沙滩上晒太阳。

    Crocodiles bask on the small sandy beaches .

  22. 那两个最像地球的行星分别是Kepler-438b和Kepler-442b。它们都绕红矮星轨道运行。这些恒星(红矮星)不仅比太阳小,还比太阳冷。

    The two most Earth-like planets , known as Kepler-438b and Kepler-442b , both orbit red dwarf stars that are smaller and cooler than the sun .

  23. 伊格尔坐过的石头上,一只小蜥蜴在晒太阳。

    A skink sunned itself on the rock that Igel had sat upon .

  24. 只剩下小药瓶,和太阳!

    Phials left , and the Sun !

  25. 两个小黑人坐在太阳下,一个热死只剩下一个。

    Two little nigger boys sitting in the sun One got frizzled up , and then there was one .

  26. 这个专门为小朋友设计的太阳帽内有玄机。

    This unusual cap for children has a special design ; it combines the functions of cap , electric fan and sunglasses together .

  27. 随着太阳质量变小,即随着太阳引力场变弱,行星椭圆轨道变大,轨道形状变得越来越扁平。

    With the decrease of the solar mass , namely , with the decrease of the solar gravitational field , the orbital scope of the planet extends , and the form of the elliptic orbit may become flatter .

  28. 他们做了了不起的事(反讽),关于小簇集、小的太阳黑子,尽管这有点疯狂或不寻常。

    They make a big deal about small clusters , small sunspots , as though it 's some kind of crazy or unusual thing .

  29. 小姑娘孤独地躺在床上。忽然,她发现窗台上的花盆里长出了一颗小嫩芽。太阳照在小嫩芽上。

    The little girl lies by the flowers pots on the balcony in the sun .