
  • 网络jet aeration
  1. 秦皇岛射流曝气污水厂工艺原理与运行

    The process principle and operation of jet aeration wastewater treatment plant in qin-huang-dao City

  2. 射流曝气SBR在小城镇污水处理中的应用研究

    Application of SBR with Jet Aeration on Treatment of Small-scale Town Sewage

  3. 射流曝气SBR技术在屠宰废水治理中的应用

    Application of jet aeration and SBR techniques to waste water treatment of meat packing plant

  4. 介绍了应用射流曝气和序列间歇式活性污泥(SBR)治理屠宰废水的工程实例。

    The paper introduced an example of the application of jet aeration and SBR techniques to the waste water treatment of a meat packing plant .

  5. 整个试验分为两个部分:射流曝气器参数优化试验和射流曝气SBR反应器处理小型污水中试试验。

    The whole test consisted of two parts : the parameters optimization test on Jet Aerator and the pilot-scale test of sewage treatment used SBR equipped with Jet Aerator .

  6. 根据再生纸废水中低pH值、高余氯与印染废水中高pH值、强色度等特点,以一定比例混合,利用自行研制的SG絮凝剂,改进射流曝气装置进行研究与试验。

    Compare low pH and high surplus chlorin in regeneration paper waste water with high pH and heavy chroma in dyeing waste water , study and experiment jet aeration installation improved , which make use of SG flocculant made by ourselves in the proportion of distinct mixing .

  7. 射流曝气活性污泥法处理特殊类型城市污水

    Treating Special Type Municipal Wastewater by Jet Aeration Activated Sludge Process

  8. 射流曝气&碱氧化预处理工艺研究与应用

    Study and application of the technology of Jet aeration-alkaline oxidized pretreatment

  9. 射流曝气在大型造纸污水处理厂中的应用

    Application of jet aeration to the treatment plant of papermaking wastewater

  10. 一种射流曝气反应器中污泥活性的研究

    Research on Activity of Sludge in A Jet Aeration Reactor

  11. 发展中的电铸技术射流曝气法研究

    The developing Electroforming technology A Study of How the Jet Aeration Works

  12. 射流曝气,尤其是自吸式射流曝气就可较好地满足这一要求。

    Jet aerator especially self-suction jet aerator can meet the need well .

  13. 污水射流曝气工艺技术在聚驱中的应用

    Application of Sewerage Jet Flow Aeration Process in Polymer Flooding

  14. 自吸式射流曝气器在中小型氧化沟中的应用

    Application of Self Priming Jet Aerator for Oxidation Ditch

  15. 射流曝气法研究爆炸逻辑元件的研究

    A Study of How the Jet Aeration Works Development of Explosive Logic Element

  16. 射流曝气周期活性污泥法脱氮除磷研究

    Research on nitrogen and phosphor removal through the intermittent cyclic activity sludge system

  17. 自吸式自激振荡脉冲射流曝气器的实验研究离心式吸气[尘]器

    Experimental Study of Self-Suction Self-Excited Oscillation Pulsed Jet Aerator

  18. 定向凝固技术射流曝气法研究

    DIRECTIONAL SOLIDIFICATION ( DS ) A Study of How the Jet Aeration Works

  19. 射流曝气法研究

    A Study of How the Jet Aeration Works

  20. 射流曝气压力反应器-膜处理生活污水试验研究

    An Experimental Study on Jet Aeration Pressurized Bioreactor with Micro-filtration for Domestic Wastewater Treatment

  21. 分体式射流曝气器的试验研究

    Experimental Research on Separate Structure Jet Aerator

  22. 浅析影响射流曝气的因素

    Brief Analysis of Factors Affecting Jet Aeration

  23. 自激振荡脉冲射流曝气器的实验

    Mechanism of Self-excited Oscillation Pulsed Jet Aerator

  24. 射流曝气器研究进展

    The research progress of jet aerator

  25. 一体式射流曝气膜生物反应器

    Submerged Jet Aerated Membrane Bioreactor

  26. 射流曝气池混合研究&流动模型及其应用

    A study of the mixing process in jet aeration tank & a flow model and Its Applications

  27. 研究了用射流曝气法处理医院污水的实际效果。

    The researches have been carried out into the dispose of hospital sewage by pressure water jet aeration method .

  28. 分析认为其主要原因在于射流曝气具有良好的切割与传质功能。

    It is held that this might be resulted from the best functions of cutting and mass transferring offered by jet aeration .

  29. 可调式喷射器的性能计算分析与结构设计四喷嘴射流曝气器性能的数值模拟与实验研究

    The Study and the Structural Design of a Novel Adjustable Ejector ; Numerical Simulation and Experimental Investigation of Quad-nozzle Jet Aerator Performance

  30. 异重流混合型射流曝气法的研究普钙生产新型混合反应装置

    A Study of the Jet Aeration System with A Density Current Mixing Reactor A New Type of Mixing Reactor for Producing Calcium Superphosphate