- 网络Closed questions;closed-ended question;closed-end questions;close-ended question

Closed questions can be answered with a simple " yes " or " no " or in a few brief words .
Closed questions can be answered in a few words or sentences .
There are basically two types of questions-open and closed questions .
Following are examples of closed questions
Response with closed questions
Take the course of an interview for example , closed and open questions may both be used , in any combination .
Results showed that CE needed more time to clarify the question and was more likely to cite examples to support the opinions .
Open questions are broader in nature than closed questions and less restricting or structured ; hence , they offer the interviewee more freedom with regard to the choice and scope of an answer .
The questionnaire takes the form of open and closed questions with multiple choices . Through the way of sampling investigation , 1000 questionnaires were randomly distributed inside the area of investigation , and it covers all ages of people , all professions and all the districts of the city .
The interviews began with closed-ended questions on demographic data and financial information , such as bank-account status and bill-paying habits .
Some industries and the monopoly departments violates the main routine and relevant laws and regulations of project construction , without following the right construction management procedure , dodging tenders , resisting surveillance , particularly operating internally in an enclosed manner .
Analyzing Discount of Closed-end Fund on the Basis of Value Formation Mechanism
Statistical Analysis on the Closed - end Fund Discount
Cancer of Urban Life : Problems of Gated Communities in China and Their Solutions
The closed-end fund discount is one of the most puzzled issues in financial field .
Finally , puts forward the countermeasure for our closed-end discount problem and forecasts the healthy and standard development of the security investment fund industry .
There are lots of worldwide researches on the price discount problems of closed end fund and several solutions suggested , some of those solutions have been proven on overseas markets .
Open-ending of closed-end funds is one way to address the issue of expiration , which means closed-end funds is converted into open-end funds to make the market price equal the NAV ( net asset value ) .
In the end , this conclusion of the empirical study has provided strong support for the theory of investor sentiment , and at the same time showed that the theory of expectation of fund performance is so suitable for the explanation of closed-fund discount misery .
Closed-end Fund Discount the problem is a common phenomenon in domestic and international securities markets , refers to closed-end funds in the trading process . Price is below its net asset value of the phenomenon , is the focus of economic theory circles one of the issues .
The Study of the Close - end Fund Discount Phenomenon in China
Then we raised a number of the corresponding countermeasures in this paper .
The Economies of Scale for China 's Closed - end Funds : A Panel Data Analysis
In traditional closed-ended teaching , all the problems are solved in class and students are learning passively all the time .
The closed-end funds discounts are much more obvious and deeper in China , so it is necessary and important to study the problem based on the reality of Chinese stock market .