
  • 网络turn-on voltage;Forward voltage;threshold voltage
  1. 肖特基二极管是利用金属与半导体之间接触势垒进行工作的一种多数载流子器件,与普通的PN结二极管相比,它具有正向导通电压低,响应速度快等优良特性。

    Schottky barrier diode is a kind of majority carrier device , using the contact barrier formed between metal and semiconductor to work . It has the advantages of low turn-on voltage and high response frequency , compared with PN junction diodes .

  2. 试验结果发现,脉冲上升时间随着导通电压的增大而减小,但是在减小的过程中没有表现出明显的规律性。

    Pulse rise time decreases with the increase of the turn-on voltage , but in the process of reduced did not show obvious regularity .

  3. 由于便携式应用对白光LED亮度均匀性的要求,以及白光LED自身的正向导通电压大、电学参数离散性大、容易受温度影响等特点,需要设计专门的电源管理芯片来驱动白光LED。

    Due to characteristics of white LED such as large forward voltage and high temperature sensitivity , and necessity of uniform brightness requirement of the portable application , specially designed power management IC is needed .

  4. 这类器件在正向导通电压VF降低的同时,其关断时间t(off)却明显增长,这使其工作频率受限、开关功耗增大。

    The switch speed of power devices t_ ( off ) will be increased , during the forward voltage drop Vp decreasing , because of conductivity modulation effects . It causes the operating frequency of power devices limited and switch loss increased .

  5. 正向导通电压和激光器的峰值波长有关;

    The forward conductive voltage is related to the peak wave length of the laser ;

  6. 因此,提高开关速度并改善正向导通电压和关断时间的折衷关系是这类器件的关键问题之一。

    So , how to improve the tradeoff relationship between turn-off time and forward voltage is a key problem in power devices .

  7. 与P/N结二极管相比它是一种多子器件,具有正向导通电压低,使用频率高等特点。

    Comparing with P-N junction , SBD is a majority carrier device . It has low break-over voltage , and can be used at high frequency .

  8. 结果表明实际器件导通电压、偏移电压及饱和电压较大的原因主要是高基区电阻和基区接触的非欧姆特性,为器件的工艺制造提供了理论指导。

    Simulation results show that the high turn-on , offset , and saturation voltages of the practical device result from the high base sheet resistance and the nonohmic characteristics of the base contact , which are a reference for the device fabrication .

  9. 与通常的激光器比,器件的阈值电流和导通电压偏大,并且,0.3μm的器件比0.1μm的器件的阈值电流大,导通电压高。

    We find that the threshold current and the threshold voltage of the devices are higher than the usual lasers . Moreover , the threshold current of the 0.3 μ m is larger than that of 0.1 μ m , while the threshold voltage has no evident difference .

  10. 与此与此同时,对非换相相以及导通相的电压采取控制措施,保证非换相的相电流不会发生变话,因此有效抑制永磁无刷电机的电流换相过程中产生的转矩脉动。

    At the same time , through the control non commutation and conducting phase voltage and keep the commutation phase current constant , thus effectively inhibit the current commutation torque ripple caused by the process .

  11. 真空触发开关导通瞬间高频脉冲电压的测量

    Measurement of the High frequency Pulse when the Triggered Vacuum Switch Turns on

  12. 介绍了一种高压真空触发开关导通瞬间高频脉冲电压的测量方法,并构建了相应的测量系统。

    A method for high frequency pulse measurement of high voltage triggered vacuum switch is introduced in this paper .

  13. 针对系统的性能指标,做了如下改进:对直流侧电压的检测,在线调整逆变器导通脉宽、输出电压和频率,可以适应不同大小的恒负载;

    The list betterments aimed at the properties of system : through the testing of DC voltage , pulse width and inverting voltage and frequency can be regulated online to fit for different steady load ;

  14. 导通电阻和击穿电压的矛盾是功率半导体器件的核心矛盾之一,超结技术的出现,打破了传统功率器件导通电阻与击穿电压的极限关系,在功率集成电路中具有广泛的应用前景。

    The conflicting between on-resistance and breakdown voltage is one of the core problem in power semiconductor devices . Super Junction ( SJ ) technology has a wide of application prospect in the traditional power IC due to the break of the limit relationship of on-resistance and breakdown voltage .

  15. 对于功率器件,击穿电压和导通电阻始终是一对矛盾;传统器件的特征导通电阻受击穿电压的限制存在一个极限,称为硅极限。

    For high voltage power devices , the contradiction between breakdown voltage and on-resistance always exists , and there is a limit called " silicon limit " .