
  • 网络Find Yourself;self-identity
  1. 西方现代派文学一个普遍的主题是:寻找自我。

    Self-identity is a common theme in modern Western literature .

  2. 对自我的叩询&西方现代派作品和莎翁作品寻找自我主题之比较

    Looking for Self & A comparative study of " self-identity " in Shakespeare and modern Western literature

  3. 情报官员也会在那些看似正在寻找自我的人中间挖掘潜在的特工,他们的精神由于清洗、文化革命或旷日持久的税收调查(克里姆林宫(Kremlin)如今最喜欢用的一种手段)而被践踏摧毁。

    A case officer also looks for prospects among individuals who seem to be in search of an ego , their spirits stamped flat by purges , cultural revolutions or protracted tax investigations ( a favorite tactic of today 's Kremlin ) .

  4. 我从未因花费时间去寻找自我而后悔。

    I never regretted taking time to " find myself " .

  5. 我到上海寻找自我发展的机遇。

    I move to Shanghai to find opportunities to develop myself .

  6. 我从未因花费时间去“寻找自我”而后悔。

    I never regretted taking time to " find myself . "

  7. 她才20岁,还在寻找自我。

    She 's 20 . She 's finding herself .

  8. 他们在不同的空间寻找自我,每件事都是全新的。

    They find themselves in different spaces , everything is all brand new .

  9. 他们通过积极争取土地,寻找自我身份。

    Through their active campaigning for land , Maxine searches for self identity .

  10. 在文化冲突中寻找自我

    Search for Self under the Clash of Different Cultures

  11. 第三部分讨论了主人公们艰辛漫长的寻找自我的历程。

    The third part discusses main characters ' hard , long journey of self-searching .

  12. 我所需要的是“寻找自我”。

    What I must do is find myself .

  13. 来吧,在瀚斯宝丽产品中寻找自我。

    Come on , find yourself in Hannspree .

  14. 而自由主义的叙事伦理强调的是以个人词汇的言说来寻找自我。

    But liberal narrative ethics emphasizes in his personal vocabulary speech to find yourself .

  15. 埃德娜的觉醒:寻找自我

    Edna 's Awakening : A Search For Selfhood

  16. 女性寻找自我的迷茫&解读王安忆小说中的女性意识

    Women 's Being Lost in Self-Recognizing-women 's Ideology in the Novels by Wang Anyi

  17. 今天对于你持续不懈地寻找自我复兴是个非常重要的时刻。

    Today it is important to constantly seek out your own sources of rejuvenation .

  18. 我在精神中寻找自我。

    I seek myself in the spirit .

  19. 我在寻找自我中远离你的视线。

    I am trying to find where to be myself , not to leave you .

  20. 他会觉得你尚年轻还在寻找自我

    He 'd think that you 're still young . You 're still finding yourself .

  21. 他创作的初期,是尝试写作和寻找自我的时期。

    He creates the initial period , is the attempt writes and seeks for the self-time .

  22. 寻找自我的历程

    An Odyssey in Search of Selfhood

  23. 《培尔·金特》主要讲述了一个心灵流浪者寻找自我的故事。

    " Peer gynt " mainly tells the story of a spiritual wanderer looking for self .

  24. 寻找自我的旅程:评索尔·贝娄的《雨王汉德森》

    A Journey in Search of Self : on Saul Bellow s Henderson the Rain King ;

  25. 在寻父的路上寻找自我&论女性成长小说《饥饿的女儿》

    Self-finding on the Road of Finding Father & On the Female Initiative Novel of Hungry Daughter ;

  26. 在边缘寻找自我&关于环境艺术设计专业的雕塑教学

    Seek for ego on Edge

  27. 最后,本文提出女性羞感的重建,认为这是一个找回人的价值、女性的价值和寻找自我的过程。

    Rebuilding female " shy feeling " is the course of looking for female value in fact .

  28. 她一直在体验着内在的自我,寻找自我的认同,展现自我内在的本质。

    She has been experiencing inner self , looking for self identity , and showing the inner essence .

  29. 但是,一般人只能在现有的社会体制下寻找自我保护的途径。

    But the ordinary man had to find some means of protection within the structure of society itself .

  30. 小说中的人物对现实视而不见,而是在拟像秩序中寻找自我。

    These characters in the novel are blind to reality merely pursuing their selfhood in a simulacrum order .