
duì diào
  • exchange;swap;switch;swop
对调 [duì diào]
  • [exchange;swop] 互相调换

  • 对调工作

对调[duì diào]
  1. 方法:将摄影高压预上闸接触器MAGSW&R的3对常开触点与3组反向并联的主可控硅连接次序对调。

    Method : We exchange the conjunction sequence of three NO ( normal open ) contacting points of radiograph high voltage preparing work relay & MAG SW - R with three reverse parallel connection of main thyristors .

  2. 第六篇章:你甜蜜的爱,就是珍宝,我不屑把处境跟帝王对调。

    You sweet love is precious , I disdains one therefore to exchange with the monarch .

  3. 过去她为我工作,而现在我们的地位对调了。

    She used to work for me , but our situations are now reversed .

  4. 咱俩的玻璃杯对调了——这个是我的。

    Our glasses have been switched / exchanged - this is mine .

  5. 谐振腔参数对调Q腔内倍频系统稳定性的影响

    The influence of resonator parameters on the stability of Q-switched intracavity-frequency-doubled lasers

  6. GaAs双光子诱导光吸收对调Q激光器脉冲的影响

    Effects of Two-photon Induced Light Absorption of GaAs on Laser Emission

  7. 激光晶体自偏振效应对调Q激光输出特性的影响

    The Influence of the Self-polarizing of Laser Crystals on the Q-switched Laser Output

  8. 利用一个压力控制器,采用PID控制方法对调压风机进行变频控制。

    A pressure controller is employed to modulate speed of regulating pressure fan in a PID control mode .

  9. 用时域ABCD矩阵对调Q锁模激光器的研究

    Q-switched Mode-locking Laser Using ABCD Matices in Temporal Domain

  10. 并且研究了该薄膜结构特性、激光器参数,如:抽运电压、腔长对调Q脉冲输出性能产生的影响。

    Furthermore , the influence of structural characteristic 、 pump voltage and cavity length on the properties of laser output was investigated .

  11. 本论文的主要内容有:(1)对调Q光纤激光器进行了理论分析。

    The theoretical analysis of a Q-switched fiber laser and experimental study on the self-Q-switched phenomenon of an erbium-doped fiber laser are conducted .

  12. 对调Q激光器泵浦的光学参量振荡器(OPO)的计算机模拟

    Computer Simulation of Optical Parametric Oscillator ( OPO ) Pumped by Q - - switched Lasers

  13. 还推导了调Q输出时的峰值功率、脉冲能量和脉宽等,并对调Q理论作了最佳化分析。

    We also deduced the peak power , laser pulse energy and pulse width for the Q switch laser , and optimized the Q switch theory .

  14. 我们对调Q激光(5×10~8W/cm~2)蒸发金属靶产生的快电子进行了实验研究。观察了背景气压对快电子信号的影响。

    Study was made for the effects of background pressure on the fast electrons produced from metal target evaporization by Q-switched laser light ( 5x108W / cm2 ) .

  15. 脉冲输出时,通过对调Q过程中能量储存和能量释放的分析,建立了调Q过程的算法理论模型,利用各模式的能量总和计算得到各横模比例分布。

    For pulse laser , By the analysis of energy storage and release during the Q-switched process , the algorithm theoretical model of the Q-switched process is built .

  16. 我们观察到了Si单晶对调QNd:YAG的1.06μm脉冲激光的光学限制效应,并对其机理进行了分析。

    We observed the optical limiting effect in Silicon when 1.06 μ m pulse laser beam produ-ced by Q-switched Nd : YAG Laser passed through it . Mechanism of this phenomena is analy-sed .

  17. 从激光器速率方程出发,介绍了调Q激光器峰值功率、脉冲能量与脉冲的时间特性参数,对调Q的物理实质进行分析。

    Based on the rate equations , the peak power , the pulse energy and the time behavior of Q-switched laser are deduced . ; the physical essence of characters of A-O Q-switching are also analyzed .

  18. 介绍了500kV变电站的调压方式和调压手段,并对调压手段进行了比较。

    This paper introduces and compares various voltage regulating modes and means for 500 kV substations .

  19. 本文在对调光领域最新标准DALI协议进行介绍的基础上,分析了三种DALI解决方案的优缺点,提出了自主设计的基于通用芯片的低成本DALI系统。

    After introduces the DALI standard protocol , compared the advantages and disadvantages of three DALI system designs , this paper bring forward a DALI system design using common chips .

  20. 通过对调Q反转粒子数密度的求解,获得了调Q激光器输出的一定脉冲能量与腔内损耗、所需最小Q开关的衍射效率和输出镜的反射率等的关系公式。

    Through soluting the population inversion density , the relationship between a certain output pulse energy and cavity loss , the necessary minimum diffraction efficiency of Q-switch , the reflectivity of output mirror and so on , are acquired .

  21. 通过速率方程的求解模拟分析了上转换效应对连续运转Ho激光器输出功率、斜率效率和阈值功率的影响以及对调Q运转Ho激光器单脉冲能量、脉冲宽度和峰值功率的影响。

    The rate equation was solved to analyze the influence of upconversion effect to the output power , slope efficiency and threshold power in CW operation and the pulse energy , pulse width and peak power in Q-switched operation .

  22. 采用平面玻璃夹砂模型直观形象地研究了黄胞胶/Cr+3调剖剂对非目的层的污染情况,讨论了注入速度、地层渗透率级差对调剖效果的影响。

    The damage of profile control agent of xanthan / Cr  ̄( + 3 ) to the non-target formation is studied visually by using planar sand-packed glass model . The influences of the injection rate and formation permeability variation on the profile control effectiveness are discussed .

  23. 通过对调光控制电路工作原理的分析,绘制出调光程序的流程图,并且借助于CodeWarrior开发工具对调光程序进行编辑、编译和调试工作。

    Through the analysis of the operating principle of dimming control circuit , draw out the dimming process flow chart , and with the help of the CodeWarrior development tools we edit , compile and debug the dimming circuit programs .

  24. 水泵水轮机全特性对调保的影响

    Influence of Full Characteristics of Pump-turbines on Regulative and Protective Parameters

  25. 对调血脂药阿托伐他汀钙的合成路线进行了归纳和分析。

    This review summarized the various synthetic processes of atorvastatin calcium .

  26. 并对调剖堵水等工艺措施的适应性进行了评价。

    The suitability of profile control and water plugging is evaluated .

  27. 三轴气浮平台质量特性对调平衡影响的研究

    Research on Quality Characteristic Influence for Three Axis Air Bearing Table

  28. 不知道两种药对调了?

    Did you know that the medicine had already been changed ?

  29. 之后对调平系统的实施方案进行了详细阐述。

    After that , the details about system realization are described .

  30. 水轮机特性对调压室稳定断面积的影响

    The effect turbine characteristic on stable sectional area of surge tank