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  • convection zone
  1. 我们也许可以利用子午流的变化来研究对流区底部或内部的磁场。

    It can be used as a tool to probe the magnetic fields deep in the convection zone .

  2. 外层形成对流区的天然气输送能源材料主要是通过物理位移的天然气。

    The outer layers form a convection zone where the gas material transports energy primarily through physical displacement of the gas .

  3. 高原上最频繁的对流区在以30°N,90°E为中心的地区,而不在高原东部,而且喇叭口形的雅鲁藏布江出口区是一个小值区。

    The most frequent convective region over the Plateau is centered at 30 ° N , 90 ° E , not in the eastern Plateau .

  4. 为了进一步探索太阳对流区的物理性质,我们利用高精度N的日震观测数据来研究太阳内部扰动磁场对低阶太阳P模振动的影响。

    To investigate the physical nature of solar convective zone , we employ the observed frequency shifts of solar oscillations to study the influence of magnetic perturbation inside the Sun on the low solar p mode oscillations .

  5. 第二,在太阳对流区,ReynoldsStress张量和磁扰动张量的非对角分量引起对流区角动量的转移,从而改变恒星结构和演化的边界条件;

    Secondly , in the solar convective zone , the non-diagonal parts of the Reynolds stress tensor and magnetic fluctuating tensor cause the angular momentum transport , which correct the boundary condition of the solar structure and evolution .

  6. 用修正L-M关系式整理了立式上升流动螺旋管内两相强制对流区放热系数,螺旋管在该区的放热系数大致范围为25-40kw/(m2·℃)。

    Two-phase forced convection heat transfer coefficients are correlated as function of correctional Lockhart-Martinelli parameter , and the heat transfer coefficients at this region in helical-coiled tubes are about 25-40 kW / m2 ℃ .

  7. 关于太阳底部贯穿对流区的延伸程度

    On the extension of the solar lower overshoot in G zone

  8. 1997/1998年厄尔尼诺期间西太平洋热带对流区的东移

    Severe convective region moving eastward over tropical Pacific Ocean during 1997 / 1998 E1 Nino event

  9. 恒星内部的超声速对流区

    Supersonic Convection in the Stellar Interiors

  10. 在恒星演化过程中湍流压常被忽略,但其对流区固有的大尺度湍流使得湍流压必然存在。

    Although turbulent pressure is omitted generally , its inherent large-scale turbulence on convection region makes turbulent pressure inevitable .

  11. 与传统的理论相比,对具相同质量、光度和有效温度的恒星,新理论预期一较浅的对流区,超声速对流也被有效地抑制了。

    New theory predicts a shallower convection envelope for a given super giant in comparison with the usual mixing length theory .

  12. 因此,总的效果是修正了恒星结构和演化中的物态方程、流体静力学方程、边界条件和对流区底部的能流密度。

    Consequently , the result is that we modify the equation of state , hydrostatic equilibrium equation , the boundary condition and the energy flux .

  13. 指出在研究变星脉动和具有延伸对流区的恒星内部结构时,湍流雷诺应力的作用是不可忽略的。

    It is shown that the effect of turbulent pressure on the structure and the vibrational stability of stars with extensive convective envelopes is not negligible .

  14. 云团的残余影响通常是忽略不计的,即使它们覆盖的地区比对流区本身可能大一个量级也如此。

    The residual effects of the cloud clusters are generally ignored even though the area they cover is perhaps an order of magnitude larger than the convective region itself .

  15. 第三,在对流区底部,由于磁能分配了总能量的一部分,能流密度发生变化。

    Thirdly , the magnetic energy occupied a part of the total energy at the convective zone , which make the change of the energy flux of the gas .

  16. 结果表明:高空对流区附近风速减小和低空急流核加强并通过暴雨区对暴雨起决定性的影响;潜热的反馈作用、下垫面提供的热量和水汽通量对降水有重要影响。

    The results show that the reduction in wind speed near the convective region in upper levels and passage through the rainfall center of the intensifying LLJ played crucial role in the event .

  17. 这一理论考虑了恒星对流区内的非局部效应,它得到了一个与原来用混合长理论或局部理论给出的结果有所区别的对流区,扩散效应很明显。

    The theory considers the non local effects in the interior of convection zone . It gives a convection zone with evident diffusion effects , which differs from the original one given by MLT or local convection theory .

  18. MCV的北侧属于对流抑制区,MCV的南侧是对流活跃区。

    The north part of it is convection inhibition region , while the south part of it is convection active region .

  19. 结果表明,一区场向电流是最基本的,与对流转向区直接相联。

    It is shown : the region 1 field-aligned current is the basic one and connected closely by with the convection reversal ;

  20. 在对流加热区,大量的潜热释放形成深厚的热源和水汽汇,热源峰值出现在上部对流层,水汽汇峰值出现在下部对流层;

    In the convectively heating region latent heat release causes a heating peak in the upper troposphere and a moisture sink in the lower troposphere .

  21. 雨季前,晴天日出以后混合层有较迅速的发展,强对流混合区超过3000m。

    Before the rain season , the mixed layer rapidly develops after sunrise in clear day , and the strong convective height can extend over 3000m .

  22. 锋区900hPa以下是一个大气弱对流不稳定区,向上气层变为潮湿中性直至400hPa,等θse线基本上呈垂直分布;

    The stability conditions of the front zone turn into the moist neutral above 900 hPa from the weak convective unstable under 900 hPa ;

  23. 磁扰日向阳面对流电场转向区位置的晨昏不对称性(STARE、TRIAD、AE-C观测综合分析)

    The Dawn-dusk Asymmetry of the Dayside Convection Reversal Location on High Geomagnetic Disturbed Days ( Combination of Stare , Triad and AE-C )

  24. 500hPa螺旋度正值区长轴与造成强对流的暖区弱切变和雷达带状回波走向一致;

    The long axis in positive value area of 500 hPa helicity is consistent with the causing severe convective warm area ′ s weak shear and moving towards of radar band echo ;

  25. 地面辐合线与强对流天气落区

    Surface Convergence Line and Precipitation Area Forecast of Heavy Convective

  26. 核幔边界层很可能是推动地核环流和地幔对流的能源区。

    The boundary layer between the core and Mantle may be the energy sources to drive the core circulation and Mantle convection .

  27. 电导率分布、对流电场转向区与场向电流形态(模式分析)

    The Distribution of the Ionospheric Conductivity , the Morphology of the Convection Reversal and the Feature of Birkeland Currents ( Model Analysis )

  28. 具体表现为其误差大值区通常出现在对流不稳定区,并且随着水平风场向其下游扩散。

    The results show that , the development and evolution of initial perturbation errors have a close relationship with the regions of the convective instability and the horizontal wind fields .

  29. 华南前汛期锋面对流系统与暖区对流系统的个例分析与对比研究但前锋在禁区内犯规了。

    A comparative study of a frontal and a non-frontal convective systems But the forward made a foul in the penalty area .

  30. 本文根据日本的地球静止卫星红外云图,概括了与热带气旋强度有关的四方面云图特征,即:环流中心与深对流密蔽云区的相对位置关系;眼区的形状、大小和清晰程度;

    Using GMS infrared imagery we have summarized four cloud characteristics relative to the intensity of tropical cyclone as follows : the position of the circulation center relative to deep convective cloud ;