
  • 网络logarithmic distribution;lognormal distribution
  1. 渭河在含沙量高达500~600公斤/米~3的条件下,垂线流速分布服从对数分布规律。

    When the sediment concentration reaches 500-600kg / m3 in the Weihe River , the velocity distribution along the vertical still follows the logarithmic distribution .

  2. 一个通用Basic程序&用于计算绘制分布图、对数分布图、简化分布图及络合物形成曲线

    A Ceneral Basic Languge Computer Program for Calculating and Plotting Distribution Diagrams as well as Complexometric Formation Curve

  3. 在推移区内,颗粒的纵向速度沿垂线接近对数分布,平均运动速度为8.2u;

    In the bed load layer , the stream-wise particle velocity profile follows the log-law , and the average is 8.2u .

  4. 关于对数分布的一个强大数定理

    A Theorem of Strong Law of Large Numbers on the Distribution of Logarithm

  5. 而沙丘的风速廓线只在晚上近于对数分布。

    The wind profile above the sand dune is nearly logarithmic only at night .

  6. 两种表面霜层相对厚度呈自然对数分布。

    The relative thickness of the frost layer on both surfaces obey the natural logarithm law .

  7. 研究结果认为:近地层风速随高度服从对数分布;

    The results show that : The near ground wind velocity and height yielded the logarithm distribution ;

  8. 对数分布的径向结点

    Logarithmically distributed radial node

  9. 柴油机排气颗粒数量的尺寸分布呈现单峰或双峰对数分布。

    For all test fuels , the particle number and size distribution show unimodal or bimodal log-normal distribution .

  10. 许多现场实测资料表明,潮流近底流速剖面偏离传统的对数分布。

    Many observed data show that the near-bottom tidal flow velocity profile departed from the usual logarithmic law .

  11. 干、湿草地的风速廓线在白天和夜间都近于对数分布。

    The wind profile over the dry and humid grasslands is nearly logarithmic in the daytime as well as at night .

  12. 基于矩方法,对颗粒的初始分布作出一个合理的正态对数分布假设,研究了超细颗粒在碰撞凝并作用下的颗粒尺寸分布的变化情况。

    For the sub-micro particles generated in the combustion process , the main reason for the change of their size distribution is the coagulations caused by their Brownian motion .

  13. 试验可以得出颗粒三维运动的瞬时速度,初步试验得出颗粒的纵向平均速度遵循对数分布,颗粒速度小于相应水流的运动速度。

    The results of preliminary experiments show that the distribution of stream-wise particle velocity follows the log-law , and the particle velocity is lower than the corresponding clean water flow .

  14. 对不同的粒径和不同的水流条件,颗粒纵向平均速度都符合对数分布规律,垂向和横向的平均速度属于随机波动的范围。

    The distribution of stream-wise particle velocity follows the log-law under various flow conditions and for different particle diameters , and the fluctuation of the other two velocity components is random .

  15. 研究结果表明,冰盖下水流的纵向流速在流动核心区并不遵循对数分布规律,同时揭示了冰盖底部与河床的相对粗糙比、河床相对粗糙度及雷诺数对流速分布规律的影响。

    The results reveal that the sectional velocity distribution deviates from the logarithmic law in the core flow area . Meanwhile , the influence of roughness ratio of ice-cover bottom to bed , bed relative roughness and Reynold number on velocity distribution pattern is indicated .

  16. 血清AFP和CEA值都不呈正太分布,但是都成对数正太分布。

    Neither value of serum AFP nor CEA conformed to a Gaussian distribution but were rather log-normally distributed both .

  17. 采用对数流速分布拟合试验数据,在卡门系数k为0.4的情况下,得到粗糙壁面的积分常数为9.4。并对本试验结果与国内外的研究成果作了比较。

    The critical value of the small roughness scale is 2 . 2 When k is 0.4 , the integral constant B of the roughness bed is 9.4 as the logarithm velocity law is used to fit the experimentation data .

  18. 还有,我们特别引入Laplace分布和对数Laplace分布,根据其概率密度函数,作了一些更为深入的研究,丰富了椭圆分布和TCE的领域。

    In particular , the Laplace and log-Laplace distributions are inducted . According their functions of density of probability , some researchs are spreaded . They enrich the scopes of TCE .

  19. 对数Boughton分布及参数估计

    Log-Boughton Distribution and Its Parameter Estimation

  20. 在窜扰要求不高的情况下,此修正方法较之USSD方法和对数步长分布(LSSD)方法,更能满足仿真结果的稳定性要求。

    In order to resolve this problem , the modified USSD method and LSSD ( Logarithmic Step-Size Distribution ) method are deduced and presented according to the FWM efficiency generic formula . Compared with USSD and LSSD method , the modified USSD method is more suitable for reliable simulation requirements .

  21. 整体上来说,物种与多度呈正相关关系,对数级数分布模型是最优物种-多度模式。

    Species was positive correlation with abundance and log-series was the best model .

  22. 一种有用的概率分布&负对数伽玛分布

    A Useful Probability Distribution & Negative Log-Gamma Distribution

  23. 有效波高的对数-Beta分布

    Logarithm - Beta Distribution of Significant Wave Height

  24. 发现采用沉降曲线法获得的粒度数据遵循对数统计分布;

    The particle size date obtained by the sedigraph method has been found to follow the logarithmic statistical distrbution .

  25. 本文考虑具有区域变换跳跃幅度服从对数均匀分布的跳扩散模型的期权定价问题。

    In this paper , option pricing for jump diffusion model with log-uniform jump-amplitudes in a Regime-Switching model is considered .

  26. 该层遵守壁面律,流速剖面呈对数律分布。

    In the layer , the speed obeys law of the wall , whose logarithmic profile is obtained on integration .

  27. 介绍了广义Γ分布&对数Γ分布和指数Γ分布的一些特性和应用。

    Some characters and applications of generalized gamma distribution & - log gamma distribution and exponential gamma distribution is introduced .

  28. 研究发现网络双对数度分布曲线斜率与网络节点增长速度成正比。

    Analysis shows that the slope of hi-logarithmic degree distribution curve is in direct ratio to the node 's increasing speed .

  29. 对数级数分布模型和对数正态分布模型能较好地拟合土壤动物群落物种-多度分布格局,形成富集种少,稀有种多的格局。

    Log-series and log-normal distribution models could well fit to the species-abundance distribution of soil animals communities , but broken-stick model cannot .

  30. 本文对跳跃幅度满足对数均匀分布的模型进一步修改,假设跳跃幅度满足所谓的三角分布。

    In this paper , the jump magnitude which meets the log uniform distribution is further modified to meet the so-called " triangular distribution " .