
duì kànɡ zhě
  • antagonist
  1. 我们可不想让一个对抗者弃用“印象”

    We wouldn 't want one of our rivals running off with " impressions "

  2. 荒漠中的女性对抗者

    The Woman Struggler in Desert

  3. 可以理解麦克格瑞格在这一点上的坚持。因为在全球事务当中,文化正越来越被视为是软实力的组成部份,它可以用来改变对抗者的心灵与思维。

    MacGregor 's insistence on this point is understandable , as culture is increasingly seen , in world affairs , as a component of soft power , able to be used to shift recalcitrant hearts and minds .

  4. 追踪社会潮流的民调机构Sreda对抗议者的价值观进行了抽样调查。

    Sreda , a polling agency that tracks social trends , sampled protesters ' values .

  5. 其他目击者对抗议者人数的估计则要低得多。

    Other witnesses gave much lower estimates of the number of protesters .

  6. 就目前情况来说,形势还是对抗议者不利。

    For now , though , the odds are against the protesters .

  7. 进入者实行合资研究以对抗在位者的事后许可策略;

    A research joint venture of the potential entrants against ex post licensing ;

  8. 他是一个对抗压迫者的叛徒。

    He was a rebel rising against the oppressor .

  9. 他说,军方不会对抗议者使用武力。

    He rules out using force against demonstrators .

  10. 军队终于对抗议者采取行动时,发生了武装抵抗。

    When the military finally moved against the protesters , there was armed resistance .

  11. 然而,在南部,穷人对抗议者的支持率反而更低。

    Yet in the south , for example , support for the protesters is low even among the poor .

  12. 他的当选由于警方对抗议者施放胡椒喷雾而被蒙上阴影,这件事既不幸又带有一些讽刺意味。

    It was unfortunate and a little ironic that his victory was marred by police firing pepper gas on protesters .

  13. 而在宾夕法尼亚州尚克斯维尔正在举行一个纪念仪式,在乘客们奋力对抗劫机者后第四架飞机坠毁在这里。

    And a ceremony in Shanksville , Pennsylvania where a fourth plane crashed after passengers fought back against the hijackers .

  14. 尽管看的是完全一样的片段,实验对象对抗议者的激进程度得出了截然不同的结论。

    Despite looking at exactly the same footage , the experimental subjects drew sharply different conclusions about how aggressive the protesters were being .

  15. 在他们看来,艺术不仅是对抗私有者的道德力量,而且是改造社会的一种积极力量。

    In their view , art is not only the moral force against private owners , but also a positive force to transform society .

  16. 据称,当地一座警察局和法院大楼被纵火之后,武装直升机对抗议者发动了袭击。

    Helicopter gunships are said to have attacked protesters there after a police station and [ a ] court building were set on fire .

  17. 马利基的竞争对手之一,具有影响力的教士莫塔达·萨德尔表示对抗议者们的支持并告诉哈尔哈啦电视台伊拉克的教派必须团结起来。

    Influential cleric Moqtada al-Sadr , a rival to Maliki , has shown support for the protesters - and told Alhurra TV that Iraq 's sects must be united .

  18. 在对前总统下令军队对抗议者开枪的指控上,坦塔维元帅的证词在法庭上至关重要。

    His testimony was seen as potentially a crucial element in the trial where the gravest charge against the former president is that he ordered troops to fire on protesters .

  19. 南非克鲁格国家公园的官员表示,他们准备用新设备对抗偷猎者,这种设备和猎杀动物的犯罪团伙使用的一样先进。

    Officials at South Africa Kruger National Park say they are poised to combat poachers with a new equipment as sophisticated as that used by criminal gangs , who are killing animals .

  20. 巴基斯坦数百名抗议者与警方产生冲突,他们试图闯入位于卡拉奇(巴基斯坦港市)的美国领事馆。抗议者突入领事馆后,警察对抗议者使用了催泪弹和高压水炮。

    Hundreds of protesters clashed with Pakistani police as they tried to march toward the U.S. consulate in Karachi , police fired tear gas and water cannons at the protesters after they broke through .

  21. 你可以看到抗议者们跨越这些路障,而这里有数百名防暴警察,对抗议者们而言到达广场绝非易事。

    You can see the protesters manning the barricades and there are hundreds of riot police here , but no easy access for them through into this square , which is exactly the way the protesters want it .

  22. 一个欧盟发起的调研发现,超过一半的年轻人(18-34岁)表示会积极参与对抗当权者的大规模罢工,这个调研的样本有50万人。

    So dire is the situation that an EU-sponsored survey found that more than half of young people ( 18-34 ) would actively participate in large-scale uprising against the generation in power . The sample was over half a million people .

  23. 当代世界各国普遍采取控辩双方平等对抗,裁判者居中裁判的诉讼格局。

    Contemporary countries generally adopt both sides equal confrontation , and the middle magistrate judge pattern of the proceedings .

  24. 真人对抗中射击者互射能营造出真实射击环境中的紧张气氛。

    Tense atmosphere in real shooting environment can be built due to mutual shooting of shooters in real person confrontation .

  25. 他表示,西方国家限制叙利亚采取暴力措施对抗政府反对者已经产生问题,但政府方面也已努力使得首都地区的商业活动运转正常。不过叙利亚方面也在向国外寻求支援。

    He says western restrictions on Syria for its violent reaction to government opponents have caused problems . But the government has worked to keep business in the capital normal . Syria , however , also seeks help from outside the country .

  26. 即便它们已成了全球巨无霸,它们仍将自己定位为对抗国家的无权者的守护人。

    Even as they have become global behemoths , they have cast themselves as guardians of the powerless against the state .

  27. 实际上,强调机制设计,可以避免直接面对对抗,将管理者与被管理者在规则中进行协调一致,使管理更加有效。

    Actually , the institution design can avoid the confrontation , promote the cooperation of the manager and the managed , and make the management effective .

  28. 在本篇文章中,我将讨论垃圾信息的其他方面的问题,比如内容网站间的关系以及垃圾信息受害者如何能够展开协作来对抗垃圾信息散布者。

    In this article I discuss problems of spam that come from inter-relationships between content sites and how the very community of spam victims can cooperate in the battle against spammers .

  29. 克鲁西乌斯在这儿种下了西欧第一批郁金香。荷兰的第一所大学也在这儿创立,那是奥兰治亲王威廉因其勇敢对抗西班牙天主教压迫者而授予的奖赏。

    It 's where Clusius planted the first tulips in Western Europe and it 's where Holland 's first university was founded , a reward granted by William of Orange for the city 's bravery in battle against his Spanish Catholic oppressors .