
  • 网络Foreign trade structure;Structure of Foreign Trade;composition of foreign trade
  1. 再次,运用数据和图表从广东的贸易商品结构、贸易国别结构、贸易方式结构三个方面论证了FDI对广东对外贸易结构优化的促进效应。

    And then explains with some figures how FDI improved the composition of Foreign trade in the aspects of composition of traded goods , composition of trade partners , and composition of trading methods .

  2. 研究发现:对外贸易结构通过改变产品的需求弹性、要素的供给弹性,改善产业关联的方式,促进技术进步来影响产业结构;而产业结构是外贸结构的基础,同时要通过外贸结构反应其竞争力。

    The study has demonstrated that the composition of foreign trade could impact the industry structure by changing the demand elasticity of product and elasticity of supply of elements , improving the associative way of industry and promoting the technical progress .

  3. 基于对外贸易结构的技术扩散效应比较研究

    A Comparative Research on Technology Diffusion Effect through Foreign Trade Structure

  4. 我国对外贸易结构与产业结构的互动性研究

    An Interaction Study of China 's Foreign Trade Structure and Industrial Structure

  5. 我国林产品对外贸易结构研究

    Research on the International Trade Structure of the Forest Product in China

  6. 对外贸易结构与中国经济增长:基于因果关系的检验

    Trade Composition and the Growth of China : A Granger Causality Test

  7. 四川与重庆对外贸易结构的对比分析

    The Comparative Analysis of Trade Structure about Sichuan and Chongqing

  8. 我国对外贸易结构及其比较优势的实证分析

    An Empirical Study of China 's Comparative Advantage and Structure in Foreign Trade

  9. 浙江对外贸易结构转换:从货物贸易到服务贸易

    Structural Transformation of Zhejiang Foreign Trade : From Goods Trade to Service Trade

  10. 努力扩大出口规模,优化对外贸易结构。

    Efforts will be made to expand export and optimize foreign trade composition .

  11. 广东对外贸易结构研究

    The Research on Foreign Trade Structure of Guangdong Province

  12. 中国对外贸易结构变动趋势研究(1870-1931)

    A Research on the Tendency of the Foreign-trade Structural Change in China ( 1870-1931 );

  13. 从外贸依存度看我国的对外贸易结构问题

    Viewing Problems with China 's Foreign Trade Structure from the Angle of Foreign Trade Index

  14. 随着经济全球化的时代到来,对外贸易结构发生了深刻变化。

    Following the coming period of economic globalization , trade structure has undergone profound changes .

  15. 第四章分析了导致蒙古国对外贸易结构不合理的成因。

    Chapter IV analyzes the Mongolian foreign trade led to the causes of the irrational structure .

  16. 第二部分为对外贸易结构和产业结构的相关基础理论。

    The second part is the foreign trade structure and the industrial structure related basic theory .

  17. 本题重点对中国农产品比较优势、对外贸易结构以及二者的整合性进行了研究。

    The integration between agricultural products ' comparative advantage and the composing of agricultural products foreign trade .

  18. 两地的对外贸易结构既有许多相同之处,也具有各自的特点。

    Structure of foreign trade between the two places has many similarities , but also has its own characteristics .

  19. 浙江省对外贸易结构与竞争力关系模拟及优化研究

    A Study on Simulation and Optimization the Relationship between Foreign Trade Structure and Foreign Trade Competitiveness of Zhejiang Province

  20. 因此,对外贸易结构在重庆市产业结构优化升级中的作用不容忽视。

    Therefore , the function of foreign trade structure affect industrial structure can not be ignored in Chongqing city .

  21. 调整出口退税、税和加工贸易政策,优化对外贸易结构。

    The structure of foreign trade was improved by adjusting policies concerning export rebates , tariffs and processing trade .

  22. 在深入分析中国和东盟主要国家的对外贸易结构的基础上,本文研究了中国和东盟主要国家对外贸易结构的互补性和竞争性。

    Based on analyzing the trade structure of China and ASEAN , this paper researches the degree of complement and competition .

  23. 第三章分析了由于蒙古国对外贸易结构导致的,在蒙古国诸多领域形成的安全威胁。

    Chapter III analyzes the structure of Mongolian foreign trade caused by the formation of many fields in the Mongolian security threats .

  24. 所以,本文从理论和实证的角度对汇率波动对我国对外贸易结构的影响进行了分析和研究。

    So , the paper studies the effect of fluctuation of the exchange rate on trade structure from theoretical and empirical views .

  25. 最后以这一研究结果为指导提出了经济全球化背景下中国对外贸易结构优化的目标。

    Finally the paper puts forward structural optimization objective of foreign trade under economic globalization which guides by the result of study .

  26. 理想的路径选择是有效整合产业发展与产业布局、有效整合产业发展与对外贸易结构。

    The ideal routing is the effective integration of industrial development and industrial layout , industrial development and the structure of foreign trade .

  27. 最后为浙江省优化对外贸易结构提高竞争力提出了6条对策。

    Fourthly , in order to raise foreign trade competitiveness , the six countermeasures are put forward to optimize the foreign trade structure .

  28. 这些维度包括:技术进步、资本形成、就业变化、产出变化、对外贸易结构的变化等。

    These dimensions were technological progress , capital formation , employment change , output changes , and changes in structure of foreign trade etc. .

  29. 对外贸易结构具体包括:商品结构、方式结构、主体结构以及区域结构。

    Structure of foreign trade including : foreign trade commodity structure , the way of the structure , the main structure and regional structure .

  30. 从实证研究的层次上看,比较优势的状况及其变化深刻地反映在对外贸易结构问题上。

    From the point of view of empirical research , comparative advantage ' status and its changes profoundly reflectes on the structure of foreign trade .