
  • 网络Feeling to you;Have feelings for you
  1. 我也经常和你对你有感觉。

    I 've always had a little crush on you .

  2. 我对你有感觉,威尔

    I have feelings for you , Will .

  3. 不她不是她还是对你有感觉

    No. No , she 's not . She still has feelings for you .

  4. 全世界,我只对你有感觉!-韩颖!

    No one but you in the world can attract me ! - Han Ying !

  5. 我确实对你有感觉而且很强烈我搞不清楚的感觉

    I do have feelings for you intense feelings feelings I don 't quite understand .

  6. 她对你有感觉的这些事。

    That she has feelings for you .

  7. 她对你有感觉!

    She has feelings for you !

  8. 我一直都对你有感觉的,我希望我们的关系更稳固。

    I 've always had feelings for you . I want our relationship to grow stronger .

  9. 让你觉得好像我还对你有感觉,好像我还想赢回你。

    whether I still had strong feelings for you , whether I was attempting to win you back .

  10. 我其实对你有感觉,但是不知道我是否应该告诉你。

    Actually I have feeling for you but I do not know whether I can tell you or not .

  11. 如果他们嘘你或者为你鼓掌,这意味着你引发了他们的反应,他们对你有感觉。

    If they jeer you or applaud , it means you provoked a reaction and some feeling in them .

  12. 如果我说,我对你有感觉,你和我有同样的感觉?

    If I say , I have a feeling for you , you and I have the same feeling ?

  13. 宝贝,我对你有感觉,我失去理智,你把我心剪碎,灵魂碾碎。

    I got a feeling baby I lose control you cut my heart in peaces you crush my soul .

  14. 或许我终于能够承认…我也还对你有感觉。

    Maybe I 'm finally ready to admit that ... that I still have feelings for you , too .

  15. 我对你有感觉,然后我开始胡思乱想,也许你也对我又感觉,而且你又是个医生那真让人兴奋。

    And I thought you were cute , and I sort of thought that maybe you thought I was cute , and you 're a doctor , and that 's so sexy .

  16. 我曾经也对你有过感觉,你知道么?

    I felt something for you once , you know ?

  17. 他对你非常非常有感觉。

    He has very , very strong feelings for you .

  18. 很好,因为我对你也有同样感觉我很高兴,一切都搞清楚了。

    only you - Serena : Well , that 's good , because I feel the same about you . - Dan : I 'm glad that 's cleared up . -

  19. 我的意思是,要考虑考虑;如果她对你不是100%有感觉,那她知道你在很频繁地想她就会使她感觉有点不舒服。

    I mean , think about it ; If her feelings arent 100 percent matched , it might make her a little bit uncomfortable knowing youre thinking about her with any great frequency .

  20. 如果别人也那样对你,你有什么感觉?

    How would you feel if someone else did it to you ?

  21. 你有可能对你的前夫仍有感觉。

    And there 's a chance you might still have feelings for your ex.

  22. 我就知道我对你有一些特别的感觉

    I knew there was something about you .

  23. same:同样的很好啊,因为,我对你也有同样的感觉。

    Serena : That 's good because I feel the same about you . -

  24. 很好啊,因为,我对你也有同样的感觉。

    Jenny : The masks come off at midnight , and I kind of need my disguise .

  25. 我确实对你有好感,我感觉你是对家庭有责任心的,有事业心,有爱心,诚恳的,善意的,友好的,外表高大、很帅的人。

    I really have some feelings with you . I think you 're a person who takes responsibility for family , has much push-and-go , love , pure-heart , well-meaning and is friendly , tall and groovy .