
cùn kǒu mài
  • Cunkou pulse
寸口脉[cùn kǒu mài]
  1. 慢性胃炎湿证型左右寸口脉图参数比较

    Comparison of Cunkou Pulse Parameters in Patients with Chronic Gastritis of Damp Syndrome

  2. 目的:研究人迎寸口脉法对针灸临床的指导意义。

    Objective To study on clinically guiding significance of Renying-Cunkou pulse diagnostic method .

  3. 现代研究发现,寸口脉是一个多维信息的交汇点。

    The modern research find that the pulse at Cunkou is a multi-dimensional information convergence point .

  4. 结论寸口脉太渊穴红外辐射光谱中的某些波长的红外辐射强度变化承载特异性病理信息。

    Conclusion Changes in the infrared radiation intensity of some wavelengths in infrared radiation spectrum from point Taiyuan on the pulse-feeling cun region carry specific pathological information .

  5. 运用人迎寸口脉法指导实施针刺补泻手法治疗Ⅱ期高血压病患者60例,随机分为3组,每组20例。

    Acupuncture with reinforcing reducing maneuver chosen based on the Renying and Cunkou diagnosis was used for treating 60 cases of hypertension , which were evenly divided into 3 groups at random .

  6. 该法通过切尺部、三脘部、水分部、项背腰胁部、寸口脉等部位获取信息,综合分析作出诊断;

    The information was attained by pulse-taking on Chi , three Wan , Shuifen , nape , back , lumbus and costal regions , Cun Kou and other parts , and after comprehensive analysis the diagnosis was made ;

  7. 观察、比较太阳脉、耳门脉、大迎脉、寸口脉、神门脉、合谷脉、趺阳脉、太溪脉、太冲脉的充盈度、流利度,为经络辨证提供依据。

    The observation , the comparison the sun veins , pulse , big meet portals pulse , cunkou veins , portal , and god of veins , Yang veins , since the veins , pulse emmeniopathy is filled from degree , fluency , provide the basis for meridian syndrome differentiation .

  8. 因此,寸口取脉历时沿用至今,受到临床医师的普遍承认。

    For this reason , cunkou pulse-taking is commonly accepted by practitioners through the ages and still used today .

  9. 对确定脉体有价值的指标是寸口脉管壁的厚度、管腔内径、管腔面积和血流量的大小以及寸口脉血流柱的长度、峰值流速血流、加速度和减速时间。

    The thickness of blood vessels , inside diameter , area , flow , the length of color flow column , maximum velocity , acceleration and deceleration time were of good value on pulse tension .