
zhài zi
  • stockade;stockaded village
寨子 [zhài zi]
  • (1) [stockaded village]∶四周有栅栏或围墙的村子

  • 山那边还有一座寨子

  • (2) [stockade]∶防卫用的栅栏

  • 营外下了两道寨子

寨子[zhài zi]
  1. 天津,在北宋(960-1127)时,只是海河南岸的一个小寨子,叫三女寨。

    Named " SanNu Zhai " or Three Women Stronghold in the Northern Dynasty ( 960-1127 ), today 's Tianjin was then a mere stockaded village on the south bank of Hai River .

  2. 我知道我应该立刻回到寨子里去,

    I knew I should go back to the stockade now ,

  3. 越来越多的海盗开始爬进寨子。

    More pirates were starting to climb into the stockade .

  4. 尽管如此我们还是上了岸,占领了寨子,

    Somehow we got ashore and into the stockade ,

  5. 我到寨子的时候,木屋笼罩在黑暗中。

    When I reached the stockade , the house lay in dark shadow .

  6. 我希望你能保证让我安全地走出寨子。

    All I ask is your promise to allow me safely out of the stockade .

  7. 我绕到寨子东边,尽可能躲在阴影中。

    and I went quietly round to the eastern side , keeping in the shadows .

  8. 炮声停止后,我回到寨子里。

    When the ship 's gun stopped firing , I went back to the stockade .

  9. 我和亨特上岸想看看发生了什么,却发现了这个寨子。

    Hunter and I came ashore to see what was happening , and found the stockade .

  10. 那四个闯进寨子的海盗中,只有一个没有受伤,

    And of the four who had climbed into the stockade , only one was not wounded ,

  11. 西尔弗向寨子走来,把他的拐杖扔过围栏,跟着爬上围栏,

    Silver came towards the stockade , threw his crutch14 over the fence , then climbed after it .

  12. 有两个人在寨子外边,其中一个挥着白旗,另一个是西尔弗。

    Two men were outside the stockade , one waving a white cloth The other man was Silver .

  13. 太阳已经落山了,我一上岸就直奔寨子而去。

    The sun had gone now and , once on dry land , I began to walk to the stockade .

  14. 当场打死两个,一个人逃回树林里去了,有四个进了寨子。

    In a few seconds , two fell dead , one was running back into the trees , and four were inside the stockade .

  15. 中条山前寒武纪涑水杂岩主要由西姚和寨子英云闪长质-奥长花岗质-花岗闪长质(TTG)片麻岩、横岭关和北峪钙碱性花岗质岩石组成。

    The Precambrian Sushui Complex in Zhongtiao Mountain is composed principally of Xiyao and Zhaizi TTG gneisses , Henglingguan and Beiyu calc-alkaline granitoids .

  16. 结果显示:大寨子亚种群是一个具有很强的潜在繁殖力的种群,如果没有偷猎,亚种群在100a之内不会灭绝,并且能迅速达到环境容纳量。

    Results of the simulation suggest that in the absence of poaching the population will reach carrying capacity within the next 100 years .

  17. 他们正在弗林特几年前建的寨子里。

    They 're inside the stockade that Flint made years ago .

  18. 第二天一早李甫西大夫就来到寨子。

    Early in the morning Dr Livesey came to the stockade .

  19. 主控矿构造为寨子湾韧-脆性剪切构造带。

    The main ore-controlling structure is Zaiziwan brittle-ductile shear zone .

  20. 我们离开寨子,除我之外每个人都带着武器。

    When we left the stockade , everyone had weapons except me .

  21. 大夫已经进了寨子。难道是吉姆吗?

    The doctor was now inside the stockade.Not Jim ?

  22. 李甫西大夫正在寨子外边等着。

    Dr Livesey was waiting outside the stockade .

  23. 我们的寨子也特别好玩。

    Our village is also very interesting .

  24. 既然叫石寨子。

    Since it 's called Stone Village .

  25. 在将子弹重新上膛后,我们沿着寨子边向下走去,查看一下倒地的那个敌人。

    After reloading , we walked down the outside of the palisade to see the fallen enemy .

  26. 第十章在寨子里

    Chapter 10 Inside the stockade

  27. 第一趟我们三个都负荷很重,便把这些东西扔到了寨子的栅栏里。

    All three made the first journey , heavily laden , and tossed our stores over the palisade .

  28. 那次的起义把巴黎的中心地带变成了一种曲折错乱、叫人摸不清道路的巨大寨子。

    The insurrection had made of the centre of Paris a sort of inextricable , tortuous , colossal citadel .

  29. 很多的城市、堡垒、寨子,被我们打开,某种程度的敌人野战阵地被我们突破。

    We have cracked open many enemy cities , blockhouses and forts and broken through fairly well-fortified enemy field positions .

  30. 那时候,人走累了,干粮也吃完了,想找个寨子歇歇,偏偏这一带没有人家。

    At that time I was all too weary and ran out of my food , yearning for a house to rest .