
  • 网络eutrophic lake
  1. 沙河街组三段上亚段沉积时期为富营养湖,也具有一定的生油能力。

    The sag was a eutrophic lake during the deposition of the upper interval of the third member of Shahejie Formation , which also had certain capacity of oil generation .

  2. 富营养浅湖水生植被重建对底栖动物的影响

    Effects of reestablishment of aquatic macrophytes on zoobenthos in a eutrophic shallow lake

  3. 松辽盆地虽是陆相盆地,但在白垩纪中期的两次全球性板块活动控制下,造成大面积富营养深水湖相沉积,为良好的生油岩。

    Although Song Liao Basin is a continental basin , it has a large area of deep-lacustrine deposits with abundant nutrition to form good source rocks , due to action by twice global plate activities during the Middle Cretaceous .

  4. 在富营养水体云龙湖水库建立小型围隔进行沉水植物恢复试验。

    The recovery experiments of submerged plants were done by utilizing the small enclosures in the eutrophic water of Yunlonghu Reservoir in this study .