
  • 网络Fuji Camera
  1. 售价699美元(约4850人民币)、设计时髦的富士X70相机就是你的最佳拍档,或者你也可以选择传统外表与前端科技相结合的奥林巴斯PEN-F相机(售价1200美元),走一发复古范。

    The * sleek design of the Fujifilm X70 , $ 699 ( 4850 yuan ) , makes it the perfect companion , or you could go * retro with the Olympus PEN-F ( $ 1200 ) that offers old school looks alongside cutting edge technology .

  2. 日本的通缩继续对富士的小型数码相机业务构成价格下行压力,但该公司仍在生产这种相机,并能在新兴经济体销售。

    Deflation in Japan continues to put downward price pressure on its digital compact cameras but Fujifilm still makes those cameras , which it is able to sell in emerging economies .