
mì wén chànɡ piān
  • LP;long-playing/microgroove record
  1. 1990年,她和他们一起录制了密纹唱片《女巫》(Witch),她以?的名字发布。

    With them , she recorded the cult 1990 LP " Witch , " which she released under the name ? .

  2. 1990年,她和他们一起录制了密纹唱片《女巫》(Witch),她以©的名字发布。

    With them , she recorded the cult 1990 LP " Witch , " which she released under the name © .

  3. 我放了一张阿里沙富兰克林的密纹唱片。

    I put an Aretha Franklin LP on .

  4. 波特的爵士密纹唱片就在你左侧的唱片播放器里播放。

    Porter 's jazz LP has run its course on the record player to your left .

  5. 这张专辑等我有了钱一定会去买高品质的密纹唱片来听。

    Anyway , that 's one I 'd buy on high quality LP if I got rich .

  6. 我有几张很好的贝多芬交响乐密纹唱片,但新的激光唱片的效果更棒。

    I have good LPs of the Beethoven symphonies but the new CD recordings knock them into a cocked hat .

  7. 起先是密纹唱片和唱机的重新流行,如今盒式磁带也回到了我们的生活。

    First LPs and record players made a comeback - now the cassette tape is rewinding back into our lives .

  8. 我爱的那些东西&密纹唱片、单曲唱片、书、牛仔用品什么的,把我从现实中带走,带到一个梦中的世界。

    These objects I loved the LPs , the singles , the books , the cowboy outfit they took me out of where I was , and brought to a place I could only dream about .

  9. 我爱的那些东西——密纹唱片、单曲唱片、书、牛仔用品什么的,把我从现实中带走,带到一个梦中的世界。

    These objects I loved - the LPs , the singles , the books , the cowboy outfit - they took me out of where I was , and brought to a place I could only dream about .