
  1. 自动控制密炼机混炼过程胶料质量的波动

    Automatic Control for Mix Quality Fluctuation in Mixing Process with Internal Mixer

  2. 密炼机混炼过程自动控制系统探讨

    Discussion on Automatic Control System of Mixers in Mixing Process

  3. 填充系数对同步转子密炼机混炼性能的影响

    The effect of filling coefficient on the mixing properties of synchronous rotor mixer

  4. 因而瞬时功率控制法可监控生产过程,为密炼机混炼工艺的智能控制奠定了基础。

    So it could be used for controlling and supervising the mixing process in internal mixer .

  5. 结果表明,提高混炼温度,采用密炼机混炼,对提高分散性有利;

    The results showed that the elevated mixing temperature and the internal mixer were beneficial to improve the dispersibility of nano-ZnO ;

  6. 主要论述了密炼机混炼过程中温度对混炼的影响,热量产生的原因,以及影响排胶温度的因素等问题。

    This paper mainly described the affection imposed to mixing by temperature , the reasons , which caused heat in the process of mixing , and the factors . that affects the discharge temperature .

  7. 对影响密炼机混炼过程的关键因素之一&转子转速进行了分析,通过实验数据对转子转速对密炼机功率消耗影响进行了探讨。

    This paper first analyzed one of the key factors-rotor speed of internal mixer which affected the process of the mixing , and then discussed the affection of the rotor speed of internal mixer on the consumption of power by the experiment data .

  8. 在本所实验室密炼机里混炼4min后获得有机陶土剥层。

    Exfoliation of organoclay was obtained after 4 min of mixing time in a banbury mixer .

  9. 密炼机橡胶混炼工艺的自动优化

    Auto Optimization of Parameters of Rubber Mixing Technology

  10. 密炼机自动混炼生产中的干扰因素

    Disturbances in automatic rubber mixing process

  11. 根据密炼机橡胶混炼过程的瞬时功率控制法,运用数理统计法建立的混炼胶门尼粘度数学模型,其预测精度值不稳定。

    The mathematical model for the prediction of viscosity of mixing rubber was found by statistics , but its precision was unsteady .

  12. 橡胶密炼机全自动混炼工艺控制参数的讨论Ⅰ温度控制

    Discussion on Control Parameters in Auto Mixing ⅰ . Temperature Control

  13. 密炼机三段混炼工艺第一段的优化

    Optimization of First Step in Three Step Mixing Process

  14. 混炼设备的发展经历了大致三个阶段:开炼机,密炼机和连续混炼机。

    The development of mixing facilities has experienced about three steps : roll mill , internal mixer and continuous mixer .

  15. 密炼机作为橡胶混炼的重要加工设备,也在不断的进行研究、开发和改进之中,利用密炼机对纳米填料与橡胶基体进行混炼,也是密炼机目前的重要任务。

    Mixer is one of the most important machinery for rubber compound mixing and it has been studied , developed and improved all the time . Nano filler and rubber mixing with mixer is the most important task at present .