
  1. 一种新颖的宽范围双管正激型DC/DC变换器

    A novel wide range dual switch forward dc / dc converter

  2. 百粒重与荚宽呈显著正相关,与单株荚数、单株粒数呈极显著负相关。

    Hundred grain weight was significantly negative correlated with number of pods and seeds per plant .

  3. 位于埃及吉萨的大金字塔,其长宽高比例正符合黄金比例。

    The dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt conform to the golden ratio .

  4. 分析了动态转换激光器工作点的选取问题,在动态实验中实现了较宽范围的正相与反相波长转换,转换速率达到了10Gb/s。

    In dynamic experiments , both noninverting and inverting 10 Gb / s wavelength conversions are achieved successfully .

  5. 在构图的中央,一个半裸着的宽肩膀男人正张开双臂朝着莽莽的巨川奔去。

    In the middle of her frame a half-naked , broad-shouldered man was running , arms outstretched , towards the mighty torrent .

  6. 扬州鹅染色体参数与生产性能的相关性研究表明,3号染色体臂比值与10周龄体斜长和胫长之间呈显著正相关(P<0.05):6号染色体的臂比值与胸宽呈显著正相关;

    The relative study of chromosome parameter and early productive performance shows that there exists a positive relativity in the arm ratio of the No.

  7. 岩石材料的泊松效应,是矿柱强度σp与宽高比w/h成正相关的主要原因。

    The Poisson 's effect of rock materials is the main reason why the pillar strength σ _P is positively correlated to the width-to-height ratio w / h of pillars .

  8. 基本密度与纤维长和微纤丝角均为弱负相关,与纤维长宽比为弱正相关;

    High positive correlations wrer found between fiber length and fiber width , fiber length and width and ratio of length to width .