
It would address the perennial issue of Japan 's trade surplus and , with total household financial assets equivalent to more than three times annual gross domestic product , there is a huge buffer to exploit .
A model for financial capital distribution of city and town residents
The Experimental Analysis of Household 's Choice of Financial Assets
Feasibility Study on Family Financial Capital Investment in Stock Market in China
Firstly , the paper reviews former foreign and domestic research on household portfolios .
Analysis on the Influencing Factors in Household Financial Portfolio Selection & Evidence From Nanjing , Jiangsu Province
Household Financial Management : The Basic Theory and Experience of Western Developed Countries and Strategy in China
Empirical research shows that : income , age , gender , housing and other internal factors influence household financial assets portfolio .
With the development of bonds , stocks , funds and products of insurance , it becomes more complex for household financing choices .
The second constraint is increasing risk faced by the households , salary and consumption are the direct factors influencing households'asset allocation behavior .
By international comparison , this paper believes that Chinese financial market is not yet mature , the lack of financial instruments severely restricted Chinese household portfolios .
After the positive studying of financial asset possessive volume structure and its incremental structure , decision-making models on optimal proportional investment of urban households are further studied .
Third , this paper details the deploy actions for household financial assets choosing , not only considering deposits and stocks , but also bonds , funds and insurance products .
Diversification of household financial assets will result in diversification of household financial assets income , such as interest income , dividend income , capital gains , insurance benefits and so on .
Secondly , based on the theory of consumption and saving and modern portfolio theory , the paper explores the mechanism of those crucial factors which influence portfolio choice and the relationship between them theoretically .
All the deflation since the great bubble burst almost two decades ago has not changed the fact that Japan has the second largest household financial assets in the world ( about $ 16 trillion ) .
Research the household financial portfolio choice in depth had very important academic value and practical significances , the results could provide valuable advices for the optimization of family financial assets and enhance residents ' property income .
In addition , when the household financial assets of the investment targets included in the annuity , in the different variables under different circumstances , greater investment in the annuity can increase the utility level of the family life cycle .
Secondly , the use of the financial assets of the family life cycle decision-making model for dynamic asset allocation decisions .
The ratio of household debt to financial assets also gave a misleadingly good impression of the healthiness of the underlying debt .
Since reform and opening up , both the total amount and structure of the household financial assets have changed a lot , but there still are some problems about household portfolio of financial assets , such as the lack of financial instruments .
It is hard to prove , but high frequency economics reckons it is likely that the families most in debt have few financial assets to sell .
It combines a financial crisis with balance sheet adjustments in both the household and financial sectors .
Households hold more than half their financial assets in bank deposits , which earn a paltry 0.05 per cent .
At the same time , a big effort must be made to purge the balance sheets of households and the financial system .
A big effort must be made to purge the balance sheets of households and the financial system . A debt-for-equity swap is surely going to be necessary .
The third constraint is the weak financial awareness , and the fourth constraint is the lagged financial development , the households'financial asset choices are limited to a very narrow space .
Almost one half of the household have the fund accounts , and approximately 20 percent of household financial asset is invested in mutual fund .
Along with the significant rising in household wealth and continuous development of financial markets , the proportion of financial assets in household assets increasing . The household financial portfolio choice had become more complex .